note: there is some stuff in here that might upset someone who has been sexually abused, but it is the topic of this thread. It is painful but it is true.
I'd say, DEFINITELY NO I might explain abuse, but there are just some things, as Blondie said, I do not wish to know. My mother made this mistake with me. I was an under 14 yr. old child and she used to fill my head with my father's perverted desires, (in vivid detail I might add). Now, I did not need to know this. Nor did I need to know my father forced S&M on her,and all the details. Do you think she had the good sense to NOT tell me this--EVER? No, she didn't as obviously I'm telling you. Do you think it warped my feelings toward sex that has taken years of therapy to help erase? yes
So, I'd say, spare your son the gory details, and let him have a shot at a life without his head being filled with images of his father raping his mother. OTHERWISE, I will almost guarantee you that when he tries to make love to his girlfriend or wife, he'll be impotent or he'll rape her. SO.,spare him a life time of sexual problems, or sexual violence. or at the very least, images in his head that he can't turn off (try and imagine not beng to "get to that special place" without fantasing about this gory stuff. I've put this very gently, but you see what i have said.. I won't even tell you the images that go through my head and years of therapy cannot erase them.
Your children are not your friends, they are your children. Don't use them as a sounding board for discussing your sexual abuse, sex life, or anything adult. You get friends for that. That is emotional incest. I hate to be harsh, but you need to know. It will SCREW him up for his life--- he'll never get out of therapy.
So for all the years i've spent in therapy, beating Woody Allan, I can say, along with a number of other people