10 yrs younger is only a problem when you're 27 yrs old. anything older, and you got nothin' to worry about. If she's into you, go for it.
Age Differences in Relationships Help!
by noontide 43 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think a ten year age difference matters at all.
<-------- My husband is ten years older than me. We've been married for over 18 years. Age hasn't been an issue since the early years when I was still a teenager. Even then, it wasn't a big deal to us.
My husband is 10 years older than me and we get along just fine. Of course, I always prefer older ones. When I was under 20, I didn't feel comfortable with guys who were older than me(more than 2 to 3 years) but after I got older I no longer felt uncomfortabe with much older guys. Just because they seemed more mutual and wiser. I don't think she is too young for you, after all she is not a minor and she is not just someone fresh out of highschool and starting out in a new job or workforce. It would be different if she is a minor and I seriously doubt that she don''t know what she is doing with you. My husband was sameway with you. Never been married or had anykind of serious relationship but had few soul searching experiences due to having difference or change of opinions in religion. I think you are just little nervous because of your situation(from being jw to no-jw). I think your friend is wrong about you having more experiences in life for therefore you wouldn't have anything in common. Believe it or not, ones having more experience in life would be a postive thing(I don't mean in physical way) but with life. It will actually, enhance the relationship and able deal with younger one with patience. My DH, sure got a lot more patiences and wisdome than I do. And it has been more helpful in our relationship than made cause imbalance. Anyway, this is my thought. I usually don't like to get involve in anykind of relationship but just felt like it this time.
I like this quote.
"The major problem of life is learning how to handle the costly interruptions----the door that slams shut, the plan that got sidetracted, the marriage that failed, or that lovely poem that didn't get written because somenone knocked on the door." ----The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
You could look at it this way---is this an opportunity that is like that lovely poem that didn't get written because someone discouraged me to do it (or my unsure self is slamming the door shut and holding myself back). You will never know unless you try and fail or succeed.
noontide---------- I see nothing wrong with contemplating a relationship under these circumstances. And the 'life experience' thing you've mentioned seems to put you two on fairly equal ground (not identical, but equal). I've dated older and younger, including the 10-year gap. I agree that life experience matters, so does individual maturity level, and individual life goals. I see nothing wrong with exploring those things here. Good luck! At the very least, it can provide a valuable forum for a lot of new social learning.
Thanks for your responses. I guess I’m just nervous.
If she was 14 and you were 24 I would worry about it if you lived in the USA ( it happens often in many other country)
But at 25 and 35, don't see any problems at all.
Enjoy a younger chick
I guess I’m just nervous.
Yeah ... ... Your story is just cool ....
Best wishes, who knows maybe she's the one !!!
I don't think your ages are that big of a deal as long as you both have the same goals in mind. Best of Luck!
My wife is 8 years younger than I, but she is a lot smarter! Hey, how did that happen?
Been there
The only problem I could see is you will tucker out alittle sooner then she will, other than that go for it!!!
You are'nt a dirty old man. Enjoy the posibilities.