Zany Questions from Board Members to Wacky Terry

by Terry 268 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry
    Sheepishly...............What is the normal recovery time for a hangover and what is the normal recovery time for daft things you might do when you geta bit drunk........

    I won't pull the wool over your eyes. Alcohol poisoning is what you are dealing with. Being poisoned (on purpose) is serious. The damage to your brain and nerves causes pain. It takes recovery time.

    Drink Apricot nectar and Root Beer (not together!). Keep drinking and peeing until your urine is clear like water.

    Eat something healthy and take two aspirin. NEVER NEVER NEVER take Tylenol when you've had alcohol. It will damage your liver and can kill you. (If you don't believe me, read the warning label.)

    Self-inflicted wounds are the worst we suffer. Especially in the name of "fun".

    Altered consciousness is a strong desire of people living in an artifical world. Everybody from Noah to the shaman in Peru has done it. But, it has its price.

    Look in the mirror the next morning after a drinking (or other) session. Ask yourself if you want to look that way permanently.

  • Andy C
    Andy C

    I am not always right, but I am never wrong. Is that a way to live?

  • myelaine

    dear Terry...

    off the top of your head; do you have a remedy for any repercussions resulting from writing under the influence of "quicksand"?

    love michelle

  • fifi40

    Not sure I can ask myself questions............Ive come to rely on you to much to answer them..........

  • myelaine

    edited + Sorry, that wasn't called for.

    love michelle

  • Terry
    Shouldn't 24 be renamed to 18 to take account of the commercials?

    No. It should be renamed 42 because it is the answer to everything.

  • Terry
    Have you seriously considered going into politic's?


    I think it is profoundly interesting how politicians answer questions. I study them. They usual divert an unwelcomed question by transforming it, reframing it or just talking for a while and letting the many words "seem" to be an answer.

    Bill Clinton was perhaps the cleverest fellow at this game.

    (Note: in the above did you catch me answering your question?)

  • Terry
    How did you manage to detach Serena Williams voluminous arse and graft it to your chest?

    Serena and I had just finished 68 and were ready for the next one on the list!

  • onacruse

    What one question should I ask?

  • Terry

    On the same note - how would you carry Serena Williams - three a breast?

    My back would go out!

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