Zany Questions from Board Members to Wacky Terry

by Terry 268 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Best questions My vote :

    Jeremiah : How long have you been shirtless?
    clam : How fat would a person have to be, to be bullet-proof?
    TVL : How is it that low thoroxin causes the rate of oxidation to produces and exophathailmic goiter, effecting an oversecretion of the tethlin and pituitary anterior lobes, while the connected ganglia, comprising the autonomic nervous system increases acceleration of the digestive tract?
    Terry : I find me very interesting!! (Ooops that was not a question - but still ... I liked it !!!)

    Are you the Ebert or the Roper of question reviews?

  • Terry

    Are you still making the meetings?

    knocking on doors and avr 10 hrs a month?

    Last time I attended a Kingdom Hall for a meeting was probably circa 1978. At one time I was a full time Pioneer.

    That was really tough. I had to hitch a ride with the congregation overseer's son who was completely without a personality!

  • Terry
    Would you go out with me?

    One of us would be arrested!!

  • Terry
    Boxers or briefs?

    Golden Retrievers!

  • Terry
    I like you, Terry. I really do. :-) Fun dude!


    I'm the dude with a tude!

  • Terry
    Is that you in that picture?

    I prefer to call it "what's left of me".

    When I first got divorced a year and one month ago I thought maybe I'd go on one of those dating service websites. I took my own photo. At my age shadows and distance is the only thing that lends enchantment!

    Hot Damn!

    Six four. 215lbs. Hazel eyes. Senile and goofy as hell!

  • Terry

    Do you remember when....?

    Oh yes! It was 13 months ago and I haven't had any since then!! Damned right I remember!!

  • Kudra


    Your manner of answering is reminiscent of the famous taxi-dispatch operator that was featured on "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" ...or was it "Whaddya Know" (both on NPR).

    Have you heard him?


  • juni

    How come Gumbnuts always refers to your beautiful boobs?

    My inquiring mind needs to know.


  • Leolaia

    Was Bad Wolf really Rose, or the time vortex running through her?

    Is Mr. Finch the Master?

    If the Void is absolute nothingness with no up or down, no length or width, how can there be "void stuff" you can see through 3D glasses?

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