Zany Questions from Board Members to Wacky Terry

by Terry 268 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Your manner of answering is reminiscent of the famous taxi-dispatch operator that was featured on "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" ...or was it "Whaddya Know" (both on NPR).

    Have you heard him?


    My favorite response was by the retired baseball catcher, Yogi Berra. His barn was on fire and he called the Fire Department.

    The dispatcher answered: "Okay, Mr. Berra; how do we get there???"

    Yogi replied: "You guys still have those big red trucks, don't cha?"

  • Terry

    How come Gumbnuts always refers to your beautiful boobs?

    My inquiring mind needs to know.


    When it comes to boobs; it takes one to know one!

  • Terry

    Was Bad Wolf really Rose, or the time vortex running through her

    Rose regains consciousness aboard an alien spacecraft, where a strange humming sound fills the background. She sees one of the inhabitants of the spacecraft approaching her, and she backs up against a wall in shock as she recognises it, and cannot believe her eyes — she claims to have seen the creature die. Back on the station, the Controller gives the Doctor the co-ordinates to where Rose had been transported, despite knowing that she will be revealing her subterfuge to her masters. As she shouts out the co-ordinates, the Controller is teleported away. Materialising on the same ship that Rose has been transported to, the Controller gloatingly tells her masters that they can kill her now, as she has brought about their destruction. She is promptly killed by an energy weapon.

    On the station, the transmat beam is traced to a point at the edge of the solar system. Although the screen appears to show empty space, there is another signal, transmitted by the satellite, that is shielding what is actually there from detection. These are the same people who installed the Jagrafess nearly two centuries before and have been manipulating mankind for generations, playing a long game. The Doctor cancels the shielding signal and is greeted with an impossible sight — a fleet of 200 Dalekflying saucers each containing more than 2,000 Daleks, a force almost half a million strong. Both the Doctor and Jack thought the Daleks had all been destroyed, but obviously they somehow survived.

    The Daleks open communications, with a lead Dalek ordering the Doctor not to intervene with the Dalek stratagem or they will exterminate Rose. To the Daleks' surprise, the Doctor simply says no. When the lead Dalek demands an explanation, the Doctor defiantly tells them that he is going to rescue Rose from the middle of the Dalek fleet, save the Earth and then wipe every last Dalek out of the sky. The lead Dalek retorts that the Doctor has no weapons, defences or plan. The Doctor agrees — and knows that is exactly what is scaring the Daleks to death.

    The Doctor tells Rose he is on his way, and cuts the transmission. Thousands of Daleks start to gather as they initiate the invasion of Earth. The Doctor will be exterminated…

    Is Mr. Finch the Master?

    The producers conceived the Master as a recurring villain, a "Professor Moriarty to the Doctor's Sherlock Holmes". He first appeared in Terror of the Autons (1971). The Master's title was deliberately chosen by producer Barry Letts and script editor Terrance Dicks as evocative of supervillain names in fiction, but primarily because, like the Doctor, it was a title conferred by an academic degree.

    A would-be universal conqueror, the Master's stated goal is to control the universe (in The Deadly Assassin his ambitions were described as becoming "the master of all matter."), with a secondary objective of eliminating the Doctor. His most distinctive ability is that of hypnotising people by fixing them with an intense stare, often accompanied by his catchphrase, "I am the Master, and you will obey me."

    Unlike the Doctor, the Master's TARDIS has a functioning chameleon circuit, allowing it to change its external appearance to better fit in with its environment. When he uses it, the Master's favoured weapon is his Tissue Compression Eliminator, which reduced its targets to doll-size, usually killing them in the process. The Master also has a fondness for disguise, and sometimes operated under aliases which are variations on his title, such as "Colonel Masters" (in Terror of the Autons), the Reverend Mr. Magister (in The Dæmons) and Professor Thascales (in The Time Monster).

    In the three seasons following Terror of the Autons, the Master (as played by Roger Delgado) appeared in eight out of the fifteen serials. Indeed, in his first season the Master was involved in every adventure of the Doctor's, always getting away at the last minute before he was finally captured in The Dæmons. Delgado's portrayal of the Master was as a suave, charming and somewhat sociopathic individual, able to be polite and murderous at almost the same time. [1]

    Delgado's last on-screen appearance as the Master was in Frontier in Space, his final scene being the confusion outside the TARDIS with him shooting the Doctor, perhaps accidentally, then disappearing with the panicking Ogrons. Delgado wanted the Master to make one more appearance, in a story titled The Final Game (also planned as the Third Doctor's last story), in which the character would be killed off, with an ambiguity as to whether he had in fact died to save the Doctor. Tragically, before that serial could even be scripted, Delgado was killed in a car accident in Turkey on June 18, 1973, while on his way to shoot footage for the French comedy The Bell of Tibet. The story was replaced by Planet of the Spiders (1974).

    The Master of the Land of Fiction should not be confused with the renegade Time Lord known as the Master.

    If the Void is absolute nothingness with no up or down, no length or width, how can there be "void stuff" you can see through 3D glasses?

    The Void isn't nothing. The Void is the absence of something. 3-D glasses allow light to be sorted from a 2D surface back into a natural configuration. Your brain does the rest from remembering cues.
  • hillary_step
    Are you really as smart as you think you are - or are you just a legend in your own mind?

    How very, very rude.

    My question :

    When are you going to pay me the bloody alimony, yer bold an buxomed bugger?


  • Terry

    My question :

    When are you going to pay me the bloody alimony, yer bold an buxomed bugger?


    Hilly dahling...the check is in the mail!

  • hillary_step
    Hilly dahling...the check is in the mail!

    No checks. Not after last time.


  • JWdaughter

    So, did the dating website work or are you still available? How much younger of a woman is too young for you?

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Are you a fan of Tony Robbins or any other motivational speakers?

  • fifi40

    Have you ever used the lovecalculator?

    Is it acceptable to call older ladies in the park miserable things when they moan about your puppy chasing her dogs ball? (Just had to get that off my chest)

    What was Steven Hawkins on about anyway?

  • Terry
    Hilly dahling...the check is in the mail!

    No checks. Not after last time.


    No Czechs? What about Poles and Latvians?

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