Meaning: Not resorting to name calling, yelling, belittling ones religion, being able to express your ideas, etc. Also, are there any active JW forums that non/EX JWs go, and preach the Gospel to the JWs?
Is it possible to have a intellegent conversation with a JW?
by A-Team 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JW's usually only allow potential Bible students to express their opinion about
things, and then they are only looking to explain how the WTS doctrine is
the answer to their problems. Most JW's won't discuss theology/philosophy
with former members. They might discuss it with weak JW's that they think
are still favorable to receiving spiritual guidance. Often, family members are
allowed to discuss things with them, but eventually they will stop allowing that
if they see the person unchanged or getting harsher.Most faithful JW's are told not to go to the internet discussions. Still, there
must be some out there. I think it would be a waste of effort. -
moggy lover
Certainly it is possible.
Provided you actually find one. I wouldn't reccomend any of the members of the GB, though. Their collective intellegence would leave lots of room on the head of a pin, when placed on it.
I am a JW - I am capable of an intelligent conversation
I am also a JW.
I believe I can hold an intelligent conversation also. -
I'm an inactive JW and it is impossible to have an intelligent conversation, either with me, or my alter ego. Because of that, I usually just talk to myself.
Yes, as long as you don't talk about religion. Or politics. Or medicine. Or history. Or the weather. Ok, maybe not.
Is it even possible to have a conversation with one?? They all run like the clappers when they see me, these days.
You are not allowed to bring up anything 'negative' about the org, nor disagree with them or they take it as being persecuted. Which on one hand they truly love (means they have the truth) on the other hand they act quite indignant and put upon. No joking around either, God has no sense of humor and it would be disrespectful. No politics (even if they watch the talking heads 24 hours a day) as they are not part of this world and have no opinion on such worldly matters. The weather? well, that will just bring up the sad state of this 'ol'world' and global warming, blah, blah, blah. Books? very funny, how would they have time with all they are supposed to be doing for the org, all that highlighting takes time! So actually no, you can't have intelligent conversations with people who are so self absorbed and their knowledge base is so myopic.
By and large I think the best you can have is a 'quasi'-conversation; i.e. if you want to talk about the weather, you will hear their own thoughts and opinions, but most of the time if you talk about anything the Society have written articles about, world affairs or even a particular political party of viewpoint, you will see their eyes scan their memory for what the correct JW answer is, rather than instinctively present their own opinion based on their own thoughts. It' is for this reason I believe, that the majority of JW's cannot and will not openly debate something on a human level, and always resort to programming and preset answers.