Is it possible to have a intellegent conversation with a JW?

by A-Team 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tetrapod.sapien
    Is it possible to have a intellegent conversation with a JW?


    say, for example, that you are really into model trains. and so is your jw next door neighbor. well, i would say that both of you could have intelligent conversations about model trains.

    and actually, there are many intelliegent JWs. unfortunately, intelliegence and critical thinking ability have nothing to do with one another. one you can be born with, and the other you have to teach yourself.


  • LanDi

    Theoretically, no. Being versed in the same answers all the time, I believe it goes around in circles. Several of my family are JWs (usually cold as stone - judging you on your response to " the truth"), all of them show the same line of thought, more or less. A lenghty bible discussion with my JW aunt, I aid that the scripture in Isaiah where God says " No God has been formed before me or since " is surely the most interesting scripture in the Bible if you believe it to be divinely inspired - and she came back excitedly with " There's only one God ! " ( completely missing the point. Examine carefully 'Formed' - if the Bible IS inspired that is fascinating in theological terms ) Others also show a complete alliance with the same points such as the bible should be interpreted in conjuction with other scriptures, quoting the societies very stance - Something the "our mother" wts does NOT even do!!!! JWs all use the same "core" language and reasoning - handed down to them by Gods self appointed wife. I met a JW a couple of months ago and said that the WT says that if a woman does not scream during rape she is guilty of fornication, "No it doesn't" he replied I offered to send him proof and " I don't want it" he replied during bouts of laughing at me during the discussion ( Isn't it interesting how the most interesting volumes of Awake,Watchtower are missing from congregation libraries?) There are however, good fine Witnesses who haven't been taken over by WTS overkill. Moslty, I think looking down on us for not being one of them.

    I have a challenge to our JW lurkers - Where in the bible does it say that all Non JWs will be destroyed at Armageddon ??? (Kiss me goodbye if it does)

    Saying that, I have seen worse - I met a fellow giving out leaflets on Hell and when I stood to reason with him, he just stood smirking, completely ignoring my words and then saying ' Bless you'

    What a pratt.

  • dedpoet

    I'd say it depends on the jw. If they are the committed, zealous type, they will be looking for opportunities to "give a witness" throughout the conversation, and most likely trying to slant the topic(s) you are discussing with them towards creating such an opportunity.

    If they are a less committed jw, then as long as you aren't critical of the org, which can put even the weakest jw on the defensive, I'd say it's possible to hold an intelligent conversation with one.

  • Mad

    Funny; I was wondering if there was the remotest possibility of having even a SEMI-intelligent conversation with a church goer! HooHooHoHoHaaaaaaaaaaa! Mad

  • SirNose586

    It is possible, as tetra mentioned, to have a conversation on a subject on which the two of you are quite familiar. But even for me, conversations with other dubs is like stepping through a minefield--one wrong topic introduction, and BOOM! An elder is trying to spend some quality time with you in the backroom...

  • MinisterAmos

    Why would they want to talk to you?

    You're as good as dead to them.......

    In the WT study two weeks ago about "The Good Samaritan" a Pioneer Sister commented that she would help her needy neighbors by bringing their children food if the parents were sick. She mentioned that she would of course never sit down to eat with the little ones because they are "of the world" but that she would show them the courtesy of not letting them starve.

    So why would you want to talk to one of these folks again?

  • Mad

    That sounds pretty hokey to me; I've NEVER heard that in over 30 years of being in different congregations... You're either fabricating that- or there were some SICK puppies there- who have nothing in common with the rest of us (JWs)! Mad

  • mrsjones5
    You're either fabricating that- or there were some SICK puppies there- who have nothing in common with the rest of us (JWs)!

    I pick the sick puppy part.

  • MinisterAmos

    Maybe you never really listened because I hear this kind of stuff ALL the time and I have been in more than one congo. As a matter of fact out of two that meet at a KH near me, this congo is the more liberal of the two. The other one is virulently bad. I detailed that particular day in a past post if you feel like looking for it.

    Out of nearly 80 reasonably alert humans in the KH, my head was the only one that did a 180 when those words popped out.

    What was your opinion during the study on the 9/2005 WT that discussed how terrible it is that the Mennonites practice shunning or did you miss that one? Just curious to know if you were "in" then and if you even noticed the irony/hypocrisy. I think you might be surprised how those little comments just get overlooked when a person is in full-on cult mode.

  • blondie
    Is it possible to have a intellegent conversation with a JW?


    say, for example, that you are really into model trains. and so is your jw next door neighbor. well, i would say that both of you could have intelligent conversations about model trains.

    and actually, there are many intelliegent JWs. unfortunately, intelliegence and critical thinking ability have nothing to do with one another. one you can be born with, and the other you have to teach yourself.


    Good comment, tetra. I feel the same way. I have had some very nice conversations with JWs and when I was a JW with non-JWs. When it comes to discussing beliefs beyond the WTS prescribed doctrine, many JWs get uncomfortable. I find things go better when you find points to agree on and to respect the other person (even if they may not be doing the same). Blondie

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