In the March 1st and March 15th issues of the Watchtower, there is a paragraph in the study article about
the help that angels give in the preaching work.
However, I have noticed something not mentioned before - Watchtower uses the phrase "too numerous to be dismissed as coincidence" TWICE.
Quotes are below:
March 1, 2007 - Watchtower
Let Us Exalt Jehovah's Name Together
page 24
para 17 - In addition, Jehovah's angels can maneuver matters so that any who cause others to stumble are removed
from among Jehovah's people. And even though w emay be unaware of it at the time, angels remove obstacles
that could hinder our service to God, and they protect us from things that could endanger our relationship with
Jehovah. Most important, they guide us in the work of declaring "everlasting good news" to all mankind, including
in places where the preaching work is carried out under dangerous circumstances. Proof of angelic help has often
been related in Bible literature published by Jehovah's witnesses. Such experiences are far too numerous to be
dismissed as coincidence.
While the merits of angelic help among the dubs can be disputed, the jist is that some must be doubting that angels
do help the Witnesses.
Here is another use of the above prhase in the March 15, 2007 Watchtower.
Angels - How They Affect Mankind
page 21
para 16 These words clearly show that the great worldwide evangelizing work of Jehovah's Witnesses has angelic
backing and direction. Jehovah is using his angels to direct sincere people to his Witnesses. The angels have
also guided Witnesses to deserving ones. This would explain why it is that on so many occasions - too often to
be called just coincidence - one of Jehovah's Witnesses meets a person at the precise time that he or she is going
through a crisis and needs spiritual help.
The use of this phrase implies that dubs are at least questioning if these so called angelic experiences are really true.