I do not function well under micromanagement, blackmail and threats.
I do have family that have no issues with that type of religion. I wish them well in their life of servitude.
POLL: Would You Ever Consider Going Back To The Organization?
by minimus 106 Replies latest jw friends
Never, if Jehovah herself toll me to, I wouldn't return to that cult.
No way, absoultely not, never, you couldn't pay me enough.
I am just plain sick at heart to the lies the society has covered up. They smear other religions, they harbour sex offenders, they will try to manipulate you any which way they can.
I am at this point in my life that if my mother or sisters were to die I wouldn't even go to the KH. They couldn't bother with me while I am alive and so why should I bother when they are dead. They say we are dead. So dead people are just that dead.
Sure I would!
As a secret agent searching to destroy the tower.
NA, na, naaaaaa... Na, na, naaaaaaaaaa... na, na!
It would literally take the finger of God pointing at Brooklyn, no way
If, like the apostle Paul, Christ appeared to me, I was then blinded and told to go back to the Kingdom Hall to receive my sight, and I then did receive that sight back, then, I'd hopefully be like Paul and go back. Or, perhaps if they start performing miraculous signs at the Hall. Though I'd probably then ask, how do I know this is really you God, and not Satan???? : )
This is a difficult propostion to consider. I could write a long and convoluted answer but I will just distill it down to this:
NO $#^&*#$@!!!!!! WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd go back if they gave me a couple of million, said I never had to go out bible bashing and only had to attend one meeting every two months and I could wear my i-pod during it. Oh and could continue quite happily with my non JW life. It would seem a lot less painful then............
If i had the apostle Paul experience on his way to Damascus i might reconsider my stand.
Would be like a dog returning to eat it's own vomit.