Well I would never be baptized, but I do go with my husband. I feel this is the only way I can reach him. So my answer is yes to save my husband.
POLL: Would You Ever Consider Going Back To The Organization?
by minimus 106 Replies latest jw friends
I guess never say never, but there's alot of stuff that would have to change for me to even think of returning. And if I did return it would be strictly as a Jehovah's Bi-Stander because I wouldn't want any priviledges or whatever.
Not just them, but any. Especially not them.
moggy lover
WOW! What a dream!! I dreamt I was, like, this... CO? And I was on a date with Leo....... Darn near exhausted me!!
Erm... What was the question?
I have reached the point in my recovery when I can honestly say I will never set foot in a Kingdom Hall again. I cannot imagine any plausible circumstances that would change that.
Never. Family couldn't keep me there and it won't make me go back. Friends proved they weren't true anyway. Money isn't worth going back to a dead life. They have no knowledge and only false comfort.
When asked this question by my parents I said I would rather drop dead right now where I stand than ever go to the Kingdom Hall again!
They were shocked....but hell....they'll get over it!
Never ever will I set foot in that house of bull shit again. I don't care who dies, whose funeral it is, or if they're giving out gold bars, or even everlasting life in a paradise Earth. As they say: Let your Yes mean Yes and your NO mean NO! And I said NO!
Yes .... IF
They let me be in charge up there.
I would change things slowly. First would be a letter to the elders. It would say that for criminal activities, all should be taken to the police immediately as they are not capable of handling the matter themselves.
Next I would get rid of time cards. Encourage charity as a means to evangelize.
Then I would bring out in the magazines every single week that we are saved by faith and not works. Tell them that no ammount of preaching can earn salvation. Tell them that its only by believing in Jesus that we have a chance.
Next I would tell them that we are unsure of the identity of babylon the great and that she could also be a symbol of a great country like the United states. I think this would help to break down the idea that all false religion is babylon the great and work on their phobia there.
I would slowly get rid of disfellowshipping ovver a couple of years. Private and public reproff are gone and replaced with optional counceling by a trained councelor. The no greeting a DF is gone -- You can greet them and say hello at meetings and be kind to them. Then change that for the DAed too. Then start pushing the issue that we should be encouraging and building up and not judgemental. Then get rid of the announcement of DF and DA. It'll be private and DF only means that you can't give talks. ... slowly turn Judicial committee meetings into an elder trying to help you talk about something and find you help if you need it.... Slowly I think it could go away all together.
Stop focusing on stupid things like why its wrong to have wind chimes and focus on the love God has for us.
Make holidays a conscience decision... then later print an article on the imprtance of Christ's birth.
Then we'll widen out the 144,000 to be a figurative number. Then later change that the great crowd will go to heaven. The 144,000 will be the jews, great crowd the gentiles.
I'm hoping that over 3 years or so I could change them enough that they would be ok with letting them go ... tell them to independant think and we are discontinuing the watchtower and awake and using the books from the Christian book store. No more publishing company .. pooooof... :)
no - i even wouldn't know, where to get the time for it.