Glad to have ya with us, pal
How Far Up The "Ranks" Did You Go In The Organization?
by minimus 108 Replies latest jw friends
elder for over 12 years, done everything excpet PO. Several talks at SAD, CA, DC (including an international one with 4 GB present). before you get too impressed you should know that our district is so small that any elder able to stand for more than 10 minutes would get a part ;)
any ex CO, DO, missionaries, MTS, Gilead graduates, anointed around here?
Regular Pioneer from the age of 14 on up to my departure, with a few years off here and there to work - 17 years.
1st Post, 3 years of lurking!!!!! You guys have helped me on my journey out a lot!!!!!!!!!
Elder 21 years
Secretary 10 years
PO 8 years
Book Study Conductor 23 years....2 years while MS
250+ Public Talks, 3 years while MS
29 assigned parts @ the Circuit & District level (including 6 consecutive years at the DC)
Parts assigned for elders school
Many apppeal sick!!!
Regular Aux, 3 years
Regular Pioneer, 6 years
Branch appointments, RBC 4 years................involved as department head for 20 years.
Hospital visitation committee
You name it I've been involved in it, all the way to the top, 5th generation in the org.
Four different congo's, the last three assigned by the CO
DC convention department overseer, 6 years
Other areas as well
Wow...that is one heck of a first post ImFreeNow! Welcome to JWD.
I was baptized at 14. Had a flurry of activity for about 6 months.
Deadbeat for many years.
Started "reaching out" in my 30's
MS for a couple of years.
In charge of sound dept.
Auxiliary Pioneered a few times
Survived a year of hell in Wilton, NH during some crazy stuff.
Survived the Special Committee that was brought in. Was told I was the "next elder". Got my first public talk outline. Was removed 6 months later.
I am so grateful that it happened. If I had not been removed as a servant I would have continued the facade while enjoying the ego boost of "privilege". What a TOOL I was. And by tool, I don't mean a useful object used to fix something...LOL!
I remember a few years back when the Mormons came to our door and my mom practically wet herself from excitment at having such enthuastic listeners. After bantering their beliefs back and forth, I meanwhile was trying to keep a straight face, she asked them a rather dumb question.
"How do you all get to be elders in a position of responsibility at such a young age?"
She failed to see the irony that people in her organization were bapitsed at age 12 and 14, became "ministerial servants" by 20, elders by 25, and so on. They can point fingers at my religion until they're blue in the face, which they always do, but at least my priests all have a doctorate in divinity from an accredited academic institution.
I mean no disrespect to the people here, you know I love you all. It just seems crazy to me that the Watchtower convinced so many honest people to put their faith in an organization that holds no academic weight in the outside world at all.
It just seems crazy to me that the Watchtower convinced so many honest people to put their faith in an organization that holds no academic weight in the outside world at all.
I hear you Anitar. Believe me, I marvel all the time at what they were able to get out of me. You really have to stand back and admire them for what they have accomplished, as negative and despicable as it is. How do you get so many people to work so hard for free? The poor JW's slave away out in service, going to meetings, giving talks, handling microphones, etc., while at the same time being "beaten" emotionally and verbally from the platform and from the elders. It is an amazing accomplishment. And, as you mentioned, has no value to the outside world. I still shake my head in disbelief when I think about it.
Baptized at 16.
Auxiliary Pioneer 4 years.
Regular Pioneer 6 years.
Married an elder.
Got to "man" the literature counter due to lack of brothers and also read at the book study.
Circuit assembly part for turning down a college scholarship. Other assembly parts.
Worked unassigned territory.
Considered for international Bethel work...but got pregnant.
Victim of "good old boys" club. (oh, and molested by two elders...almost forgot)
Well I made it to ms, ... hence xjwms
I would pioneer once a year. either december or april
Auxiliary pioneered several times, declined to RP cause of the constant pressure Invited to Bethel to do translaten, declined MS servant at 20 number of assembly parts took pat in drama once elder at 29 visiting speaker TMS assistant servant congregation book study conductor never wanted to reach out more as an elder took part as a JC just once - did not like the system Even wanted female elders ;-) Never got much support for that. DA at 42