I'mfreenow, GREAT 1st POST!!!!!! I love seeing the Society lose such "quality" people!!!
How Far Up The "Ranks" Did You Go In The Organization?
by minimus 108 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome Iamfreenow, wow you sure had you time and glad to see you with us now.
WOW, Iamfreenow. Welcome aboard!!
The wt lurkers that monitor this board have to be shaking in their boots when they see what they are losing.
Thanks to you Minimus (I've enjoyed and been enboldened by you and Blondie over the years), NewYork44M and all others on the welcome HOME! I'm looking forward to more conversation....and I do have a lot to tell. I think there are some that would be shaking in their boots at the Bethel Big House. Do to high profile, specifics in my geographical area will have to be kept to a minimum for the time being. Any suggestions? I'm all ears.
ImFreeNow, I sent you a PM. It will be in your Inbox under your name.
THANK YOU!!!! Change a few of the details and be a little hazy on specifics. I look forward to hearing from you.
Doubting Bro
Welcome I'mfreenow! Quite a resume you have there! Look forward to hearing more of your story.
For me:
MS - 7 years
Elder - 10 years
Secretary - 4 years
TMS - 2 years
WT conductor - 1 year
CA & DC parts
Headed a DC department & CA department
Aux pioneered more times than I care to admit.
Lady Liberty
WELCOME to the forum!! We are all anxious to hear your story and how you began your journey out.
Lady Liberty
The WTS teaches that in heaven, spirit creatures (angels and 144,000) are neither male nor female.
Women who anointed to go to heaven to be with Christ would be kings and priests after they die, are resurrected and go to heaven.
But I found brothers who felt that even then, anointed who had been women would still be in a secondary position, being kings and priests only over women and would have to be submissive to the resurrected male anointed.
Could never get them to show me a scripture on that one.
I made it all the way up to Disfellowshipped!!! I am so highly regarded that JW must turn their heads when they see me, as a sign of respect of course!!