I just recently got back from Maui, Hawaii ... so if I am late to the party on this subject, sorry. I just unplug from information, while on vacation. Although, while there we did hear that Anna Nichol Smith died. We were in a group of ten, and we were all talking about her and her lifestyle. It was interesting, and as we did so we discussed the point of my topic. You see, none of us saw this woman's death with any form of sadness. As it seemed that she, more then most, symbolized a lot of what is wrong with society.
1. Her greed for more. She was marrying older men, to get their inheritance. Then fighting for it, like it was her god given right. When the family had been with this man throughout his life, her moments of taking advantage of his advancing age. Showed how much as a society, we promote the idea of taking advantage of the weak when they are down and justifying it through loop hole, such as marriage, and not looking at the bigger picture. Even when his family was willing to settle with her, or when she had made money on her own. She still wanted it all, wanted more, and fought it all the way to the Supreme Court.
2. Lack of any self respect. While I watched the Anna Nichol Smith show a couple of times. I admit, it was not to see this woman tell me something I did not know about the world. It was to watch the car crash in slow motion, with a fascination that someone is really like this and wonder where such a messed up life would lead. She had no self respect to actually keep things like that to herself. Instead she did like everything else in her life, and sold her life and body to make another dime. A few million dollars that she would spend on things that were not going to bring her anymore happiness or restore her respect.
3. Acting in life, and not being real. Most of us would think that the lose of a child would make us want to keep that family business to ourselves. Whereas with this woman it was a interview to be sold and bought. Few people realize that there was a bidding war to get her to speak to the media about the loss of her son, and like many times in her past, she sold her life and body to the world to get money and fame. Not fame for some major advancement in society, science, literature and so on. Just fame for being a person who is failing in life.
While some people have a hard time speaking ill of the dead, in some superstitious idea that speaking ill of someone who is dead is some how unfair because they can not defend themselves. That is not the case here, this woman laid out her life and her body for all to see. She showed through her own history that she cared about money, that she would do anything to get there and in the end, I have to wonder if she finally realized who she really was and disconnected from that fake person she worked forever to be. I saw in a headline, "Why we loved Nicole," and the person on the plane next to me stated, "Loved, I could not stand her, who are they trying to fool?" While we so see these things in her, and they might be the reason some people feel this way, we can not ignore that she just represents the FAME game, the reality of this world of EXCESS and that is just the way it is now.
Perhaps things to happen for a reason in life. Perhaps her death will give her child a chance in life to not be raised in that environment. They just need to figure out that whole DNA thing between a possible four men. As a joke, I did here that her soul was still stuck on earth ... as the God's were awaiting a religious DNA test to see who she actually was with, when she ended this life.