Was Anna Nichol Smith a symbol of the wrongs in society?

by free2beme 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisaBObeesa

    Yes...she is a symbol of what happens to children born into families where their parents go missing...whose parents drink...she shows what happens when a child's father takes off and the child lives sometimes with mom and sometimes with grandma and sometimes mom is drunk and leaves for a while and sometimes mom is around....She is a symbol of what happens to so many children in out society and have no stablity and are surounded by poverty and who then become a damaged adults who are desparate for stability, security and love and will do anything to get those things.

    She is a symbol of what happens when teens are not educated and when they have no hope for a better life through the normal channels so they seek other ways to get what they need.

    She is a symbol of how young people desparte for love get pregnant at 16 and get married to loosers and end up single parents before they are 18.

    She shows what a desperate uneducated person will do in order to put food on the table...and how after years of going without, no amount of money or food or love or security will ever feel like enough to them.

    She is a symbol of how damage that happens to a child can keep them from ever being able to grow up into normal adults.

    She is a symbol of what can happen to children of alcholics, and how addiction is often passed on to children, and then on to grandchildren.

    She is a symbol of how many children slip through the cracks of our society and how much pain there is in the world.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Anna Nichol Smith was not the only mother to die on February 8, 2007. I did a search of that days obits and it didn't take long to find this one.


    I know nothing of Ms. St. Pierre, but if ANS represents what is wrong with society, Ms. St. Pierre represents what is right in society. For every ANS there are tens of thousands of of St. Pierre's out there. While ANS was a queen of reality tv for a while, people like Carolynne St. Pierre are Goddesses of Reality.

    RIP Carolynne. My life is poorer for never having met you. When I die I hope my obituary reads 1/10 as well as yours.

    (I just noticed that Ms. St. Pierre actually died 2/10/07, not 2/8/07. Regardless, I think you get my drift.)

  • plmkrzy

    The old man probably loved the idea of sticking it to his money grubbing family by marrying her. He died happy anyway and it was his money. He could do what ever he wanted with it and he did.

    I feel sorry for her child.

  • lisaBObeesa

    I don't know why my other post came up empty before, but I fixed it.

  • Robdar

    I liked Anna Nicole Smith.

    She didn't make bad choices, she made different choices; and now she is dead. And those of you who are judging her are also going to die. Does that mean that you are making bad choices too? Well, does it?

    I applaud her for living her life to the fullest. I applaud her for giving the finger to all of you who didn't like the way she lived it.

    RIP, Anna.


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I don't have an opinion about Anna Nicole Smith's life. I didn't know her. And I'm not stupid enough to believe that the picture painted by the media is the accurate one any more than I'm stupid enough to believe the JW's have the truth because they say they do.

    But I am SHOCKED that there are people who can say "good riddance" when someone dies a grossly premature death. People who are searching for understanding in their posts and their threads for things they have gone through growing up in a restrictive cult.

    Of all people who should be able to understand what can happen to an adult when they are raised in an unhealthy way, I would think it would be us.

    RIP, Anna.

  • free2beme
    Of all people who should be able to understand what can happen to an adult when they are raised in an unhealthy way, I would think it would be us.

    I completely disagree with that. I feel that we all have some false feeling when we leave of thinking, "I will never judge anyone again." For some reason some former Witnesses feel some guilt in actually forming a negative opinion of anyone, like it is wrong? That is just the extreme opposite of the Witnesses, and it is a normal step in leaving. I personally find a balance, and see people for what they are and present. If they want to be seen as something else, then paint a better picture of yourself. There are many other people who have died too young, that I think wasted their life too and made their mark in history as a negative one. That is life, do not fear seeing people as negative when they bring it on themselves. Nothing wrong with that, but you might not have reached that understanding in your exit yet. It will come in time, and that is not something to be feared. As a matter of fact, it can help you from being taken advantage of and being used.

  • Xena

    Doesn't have anything to do with people being at the same point you are in their exit free2beme it just means they have a different persepective.

    A trite but true saying IMO is to never judge someone till you have walked a mile in their shoes.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Of all people who should be able to understand what can happen to an adult when they are raised in an unhealthy way, I would think it would be us.

    I completely disagree with that. I feel that we all have some false feeling when we leave of thinking, "I will never judge anyone again." For some reason some former Witnesses feel some guilt in actually forming a negative opinion of anyone, like it is wrong? That is just the extreme opposite of the Witnesses, and it is a normal step in leaving. I personally find a balance, and see people for what they are and present. If they want to be seen as something else, then paint a better picture of yourself. There are many other people who have died too young, that I think wasted their life too and made their mark in history as a negative one. That is life, do not fear seeing people as negative when they bring it on themselves. Nothing wrong with that, but you might not have reached that understanding in your exit yet. It will come in time, and that is not something to be feared. As a matter of fact, it can help you from being taken advantage of and being used.

    REGARDLESS of all of this, Free2Be...did YOU personally know Anna Nicole Smith??? You are basing your harsh opinions on someone you didn't even know. That's my opinion.

  • lisaBObeesa
    Of all people who should be able to understand what can happen to an adult when they are raised in an unhealthy way, I would think it would be us.

    I completely disagree with that. I feel that we all have some false feeling when we leave of thinking, "I will never judge anyone again." For some reason some former Witnesses feel some guilt in actually forming a negative opinion of anyone, like it is wrong? That is just the extreme opposite of the Witnesses, and it is a normal step in leaving. I personally find a balance, and see people for what they are and present. If they want to be seen as something else, then paint a better picture of yourself. There are many other people who have died too young, that I think wasted their life too and made their mark in history as a negative one. That is life, do not fear seeing people as negative when they bring it on themselves. Nothing wrong with that, but you might not have reached that understanding in your exit yet. It will come in time, and that is not something to be feared. As a matter of fact, it can help you from being taken advantage of and being used.

    She said that she would expect people with childhoods like ours to be more understanding, not less. She never said anything about not judging anyone ever again...

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