Was Anna Nichol Smith a symbol of the wrongs in society?

by free2beme 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soledad
    this woman laid out her life and her body for all to see

    and we looked, didn't we? If there was no fortune attached to being who she was, would anyone do it?

    I seriously doubt she alone was a "symbol" of the wrongs in our culture. Our culture is f**ked to the core, with or without ANS.

  • agapa37

    Yes I agree with your post. The wrongs of society. It is no wonder that the bible tells us not to be part of the world.

  • Thegoodgirl

    I guess I'm a little different too. I LOVED Anna Nicole Smith. Her show was hilarious: a big F-U to all the men in the world. So when I was mad at my husband, and I watched her, it was just hilarious.

    I feel so sorry for her. Come on guys, don't you know of anyone else like her? That girl in school who was constantly throwing herself at the guys, but then you find out her parents practically neglected her, and she lives in a filthy trailer with no normal role models? That's who she was.

    I personally feel that when she had the baby girl, she wanted a more stable life for the kid, so she told the lawyer-guy that he could be the "father" and that would be the end of it. I'm sure she was trying to do right. But how tragic that her son dies just 3 days later. I"m sure she just fell apart again.

    I think it is one of the saddest things, representing, not "selfishness, greed" but what happens to someone who is neglected. If you're surrounded with wrong things, that's all you can soak up.

  • Mulan

    Well............she wanted the spotlight, and she got it and even after her death, she goes on and on.

    I wonder why the people in her life who controlled her, didn't stop the drugs. It's all very sad.

    I heard today that she had her husband's sperm frozen and may have gotten pregnant with that. Grrrrossss! That would be an interesting turn of events though, and surely make the fortune a done deal for the baby.

    I hope her mother gets the baby. Or her sister............not that Stern guy. He's a user and a maggot. Geraldo Rivera called him a pimp, and that seems right too.

  • timetochange


    Your posts on the Watchtower are ones I usually agree with but your sad diatribe on this sad woman surprises me.

    "She was the epitome of a self-centered, drugged up slut. She had no morals (at least 3 men have come forward claiming they're the father of her baby). You never saw her on TV unless she was stoned out of her mind and shaking her enormous fake boobs in front of the camera. In a nutshell: she was trailor trash who seemed to be obsessed with trying to copy Marilyn Munroe's life-style and death. Not a good way to be remembered."

    You call her a slut, someone with no morals, and trailor trash (many good people live in "trailors", btw) Do you know for yourself that she had "no" morals? On what do you base this accusation? On your opinion what classifies as morals?

    This woman was a sad person who lived her life according to what, in her view, best served her. Many women today are living in circumstances where living a life within the accepted "moral" community is closed to them. Whenever we pass a strip club or a prostitute or see a Playboy magazine in a convenience store or read about a young woman who, like Anna Nichol, sells herself to the media we, imo, do see "a symbol of the wrongs in society," but those so called "wrongs" are not only their wrongs but also the wrongs of those who in the lives of these lost women were either unable or unwilling to spend the time and energy to help them grow into self-respecting individuals, individuals who regard their own personal worth something to be valued and protected.

    But, even if Smith's life was totally her own doing, that in itself was her choice and her "shaking her enormous fake boobs" as you call them, or attempting to copy Monroe, as you say, or supposed "immorality" was her business. Are there any here who have had sex out of wedlock? or tried drugs? etc., she did it par excellence it's true but she is by no means alone in her excesses I'm sure.

    She lived her life and died. She is at rest now but so many lost men and women like her are not, let us have compassion for them.


  • mama1119

    I think the whole situation is so sad. I feel bad for her life. No one seemed to take care of her or help her, they just lived off of her, made fun of her etc. No one really stepped up and tried to get her off the road she was headed down. I think it is sad that this baby has had such a traumatic start in her life. While I don't agree with alot of her life choices, I am in no position to judge her. I don't know her or what went on in her life/mind that led her to those choices.

  • free2beme

    I remember seeing her on the MTV music awards all wasted and gone, and I thought, someone get this woman out of the spotlight. She can not handle it!!! I guess she had enough money to just have people propping her up to be on the next show. I was really irritated when I heard that she was providing her, now dead son, with drugs. Sick!

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    I just hope that Anna's untimely death leads to a good outcome in tabloid land. Maybe Rosie and The Donald will pause and reflect on the fagility of life and will be able to make peace with each other. That is my sincere wish. Really.

  • free2beme

    I was thinking, at least this way her child may pass away from the celebrity scene and get a better life. Donald and Rosie, two people I really am getting sick of.

  • anewme

    I am sorry that she lost her life. Just when she was a new mother and was about to marry again to someone who loved her.

    I think we need to walk in her sorry shoes for a while to know what was going on in her heart.

    You know, women of that extreme beauty have all sorts of problems if they dont have someone very
    stable and grounded for support.

    Many of us have had sex with way more people than she is reported to have! Come on!

    Show a little mercy here!

    I find nothing wrong with her desire to be famous and rich. Lots of people desire it. It doesnt make them deserving of hell or death.

    She murdered no one.


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