saved at a Promise Keepers convention

by Princess 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    One's salvation is mystical. John 3.3 says one must be born again; John 3.16,17 tells us why Jesus came to our world as God-man; Romans 6.23, the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.
    We are souls, our souls are saved by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour, repenting of our sins, asking forgiveness and asking Christ to send us the Holy Spirit to indwell our humanity (Romans 10.9-11, note that it is not Jehovah in that passage, LORD refers to Christ Jesus).
    Physical evidence should be some type of change in our lives that make us a more spiritual person. We are not promised any special favors or protection while on earth. If you were to study Romans, then James, in a reputable translation you will see that we are saved by grace, through faith alone, with good works following.
    We are NOT perfect. We can still fall into bad practices but if we are truly saved it is for an eternity.
    So, a person who has accepted Christ is a true Christian and not a 'cultural' Christian. When he or she dies, they return to God as souls in heaven until the day of Judgement, receiving resurrected physical bodies at that time.

  • sweetone2377

    "What do you think about people who credit the Lord for every good thing that happens to them?"

    I think they should also credit the Lord for every bad thing that happens to them.

  • Princess

    Rex, why would they have to make a big public spectacle of their faith? Getting saved??? I just don't see that it is necessary. I have faith in God and Christ but I'm pretty sure there was never a moment when I felt I was "saved". I'm sure some would say that I am not saved. Also, explain "cultural Christian". My hackles went up over that one and I just want to be sure what you meant.

    Sweetone, you made me laugh. For some reason they forget to mention the bad things. I just don't think god cares that much about our ordinary everyday lives.

  • Mulan

    Esmerelda, my new daughter in law told me that 700 Club story the other day. I almost laughed, and said it was all superstition. That offended her, so I said, "well what about all the ones who must have called on Jesus to save them, but didn't get out." For once this girl had nothing to say, and believe me, she has an opinion on everything. Finally she said that God has a plan for everyone. I said, "yeah yeah. I used to think that when I was a JW." It's all the same.

    Princess........isn't it all just superstition? I feel the same as you. I was never "saved" or "born again" in a way that I was aware of it. I have had some real emotional experiences at Herb seminars. Who can figure?

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Vitameatavegamin

    Time and unforseen circumstance............befalls us all.

    That's it.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    >Rex, why would they have to make a big public spectacle of their faith? Getting saved??? I just don't see that it is necessary. I have faith in God and Christ but I'm pretty sure there was never a moment when I felt I was "saved". I'm sure some would say that I am not saved. Also, explain "cultural Christian". My hackles went up over that one and I just want to be sure what you meant.

    A cultural Christian is one who attends a church and acts like he/she thinks a Christian should act, without any dedication to following Christ. Nothing happening, no life changing. Jesus said, "If any man will follow me, let him deny himself, pick up his cross and follow me". (Luke 9.23)
    That's giving your life over to Christ, doing what it says in Romans 10. 9-11 (get a reputable bible).
    I don't go in for strictly emotional appeals and that happens sometimes. Something just finally 'clicks' when you are reading the Bible, attending a service, etc. You reach a moment in time where you feel a 'call' to dedicate your life to Christ, "I am the way, the truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by me." (John 14.6)
    I don't think that you can really attain salvation without understanding that Jesus did in fact claim to be God. He stated it so many times in so many ways, history shows that the Jews expected the messiah to be God Himself, come to earth. They missed the fact that his first advent was as the suffering servant of Isaiah 53. They wanted a "David" to break the yoke of Rome.

    No one can judge your spiritual condition except with clear scripture in mind. That's between you and God. Know this: salvation, once called and once accepted is eternal and no matter how imperfect you are, God will still call you back and you are assured of eternal life in heaven.

  • Princess

    Rex, thanks for the explanation. Please tell me where the bible says you have to understand Jesus claimed to be god in order to attain salvation. I guess I missed that one.


  • circe

    Rex, I'm confused.

    First you said:

    So, a person who has accepted Christ is a true Christian and not a 'cultural' Christian. When he or she dies, they return to God as souls in heaven until the day of Judgement, receiving resurrected physical bodies at that time.

    And then in another response you said:

    Know this: salvation, once called and once accepted is eternal and no matter how imperfect you are, God will still call you back and you are assured of eternal life in heaven.

    So does a "true Christian" receive a resurrected body at the time of judgement (and if they are saved, what are they being judged for)?

    Or does a "true Christian" get eternal life in heaven?


    Well, if you're dropping by again, do pop in, huh? And thanks a lot for the gold, and frankincense, but don't worry too much about the myrrh next time, all right? Thank you. Goodbye! ... Well, weren't they nice? Out of their bloody minds, still...

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hi Mulan,

    >I almost laughed, and said it was all superstition. That offended her, so I said, "well what about all the ones who must have called on Jesus to save them, but didn't get out." For once this girl had nothing to say, and believe me, she has an opinion on everything. Finally she said that God has a plan for everyone. I said, "yeah yeah. I used to think that when I was a JW." It's all the same.

    Why in the world do you want to hurt your daughter in law like this?
    The insensitivity of this is appalling. Maybe she is trying to bring the joy that she has in her life to you? She probably actually cares about you enough to share her own testimony and that is not easy.
    Your last statement, "it's all the same", also betrays your own ignorance in not being able to look past superficial appearances.
    So she had a incorrect view of the 'good/bad befalls all men', you didn't have to unload on her!
    Bitterness has a way of rebounding double. JW teaching's and know-it-all attitudes don't soon go away, do they?

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    >So does a "true Christian" receive a resurrected body at the time of judgement (and if they are saved, what are they being judged for)?

    I'm not sure what you mean. Is there a passage of scripture you want me to answer?

    >Or does a "true Christian" get eternal life in heaven

    Eternal life in the "new heavens and new earth" and after the millenium, restoring God's final purpose and original intent for all eternity, Rev. 21.

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