Comments You Will Not Hear At the 2-18-07 WT Study (1st Resurrection)

by blondie 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sacchiel

    This rubbish was greeted with enthusiasm from the congregation. They loved the way the Society mentioned "it is an interesting possiblity" the first resurrection happened in 1918, little do they know it had been an established fact before in their literature.

    Also, the conductor mentioned "Now we leave the basic teachings and go into the more profound subjects in the Bible". Didn't their own magazine mention the Scriptures did not teach this? And just because the arguments are erratic, it does not mean they are profound either.

  • heathen

    Looking at 1 corinthians 15:52 it shows the last trumpet blast being the one that raises the dead , the WTBTS dogma shows that the rest of the trumpet blasts don't happen until after 1918 . In total there being 7 trumpet blasts . revs 8

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