why did they not add me? (can't think of what else to call this thread)

by BlackSwan of Memphis 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    I think, in a way, you answered your own question, BSoM:

    "the value of not jumping to conclusions"

    I think as xjws we are still conditioned to assume either persecution or a door slamming in our face.

    Afterall, we were always told to get used to that, to expect it and so now, if that seems to happen, we may assume that is what's happening; like people disagreeing with us is somehow perceived as persecution. Like sademo and you suggest, that is typical of jw-ism.

    Thanks for the nice comments, btw.

    And lisavegas, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your sis treating you like that. My sis wouldn't give me her email addy in a million yrs.cuz, yeah, I'd spam the hell outta' her with apostate stuff, first chance I got. Not cuz I'm hopeful she'll change because of it, but just to spite her for bein' such a mean-ass jw tart! (And I mean a tart for the WT Society, not in the usual sense of the word). Oh dear, there I go again - name-calling! Dang! I'm trying to stop doing that and have done it several times today in regard to the Jehovah's Witlesses. Ooop! There I go again! Sorry to be so "genuine and sincere" there.

  • lisavegas420

    And lisavegas, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your sis treating you like that. My sis wouldn't give me her email addy in a million yrs.cuz, yeah, I'd spam the hell outta' her with apostate stuff, first chance I got. Not cuz I'm hopeful she'll change because of it, but just to spite her for bein' such a mean-ass jw tart!

    lmao,...I don't know why she has never blocked my emails. I sent her this email after she sent me that email:

    I think my approach was disrespectful. While caring for you deeply and acting out of concern for you, I was approaching it from a point of absolutely NO respect for your decision. I respect the fact that you made an informed choice. May I still send you pictures of the kids from time to time? I have some great ones

    She wrote back that an occasional picture of my grandchildren would be ok.

    Now I've lost interest.


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