Where does one go from here?

by Wafe 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    I started interacting more with people at work, got hobbies and met people that way, joined a group that sets up events for you to go to and interact with others. There are lots of ways to meet people you just have to relax and let it happen. Don't worry if it doesn't feel natural at first and don't worry if you don't make friends right away. I, also, learned to enjoy my own company. Go to all those movies you didn't get to see, listen to those CD's that were off limits, read those books that were taboo....enjoy your new life.

  • Narkissos

    Hey Wafe,

    If you believe the Bible trust this one: "God has shown me that I should not call anyone profane or unclean." (Acts 10:28).

    That may apply to the "world" as well as to "other churches". You have something to give and something to receive everywhere you go.

    All the best.

  • RubaDub

    Go West young man, Go West.

    Rub a Dub

  • Wafe

    Okay let me be a bit more specific...

    I still believe the Bible to be what it is so there is no way that I will give that up. (I have done too much research on the subject and I was agnostic at one point and don't plan on going back)

    I am talking more about relationships.

    The truth is I would like to marry but was unable for years due to the fact that the kingdom hall thought I was bad association (it had to do with the fact that my mother was DS and as a result so was I although I did nothing wrong). The problem is that I still believe about what the Bible teaches about not having relations before marriage so what I am trying to find is a way to meet ex witnesses who feel the same way I do.

    Hope this helps.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    here is your homework assignment. Do the things you always wanted to do but were afraid to because of witness logic and reasoning. Study things that were previously forbidden expand your knowledge and understanding, think outside of the box. Be a social Person go to cultural events join groups that share interest similar to yours.

    Now dont go and start hanging out at the local crack house thats not what I mean but do the things that are fun and innocent but restricted to you as a witness. You may want to take baby steps at first, But there is a whole world opened to you now.

  • done4good
    The problem is that I still believe about what the Bible teaches about not having relations before marriage so what I am trying to find is a way to meet ex witnesses who feel the same way I do.

    You may want to start by defining what "fornication" actually meant in those days. Not necessarily what you might think.


  • greendawn

    You have a clear idea of what your situation is. The world contrary to what the dubs claim, or at least clearly imply, is not homogenious there are all sorts of people there from the worst criminals to saintly people that are way above the average JW. You must make friends with decent non JWs before leaving so that you will have a social life ready to use after you leave.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    The truth is I would like to marry but was unable for years due to the fact that the kingdom hall thought I was bad association (it had to do with the fact that my mother was DS and as a result so was I although I did nothing wrong). The problem is that I still believe about what the Bible teaches about not having relations before marriage so what I am trying to find is a way to meet ex witnesses who feel the same way I do.

    Wafe - Believe me or not, there are many who never were Jw's who share your moral standards. Nothing wrong in that - most of them, though not all, would be likely religious minded [that is a broad assumption I know, no proof offered]. The 'churches' are intimidating at first, but you can find other social venues that many moral people are involved in, and that would be the way to meet them. DOn't go hunting, and someone of like mind will find you.


  • RAF

    Wafe ... welcome again BTw

    life is life take it, improve it, fill and feel it (from What I read from you since now, you do I'm mean your not into somebody I would have to tell anything - still I understand your question regarding your state about JW's doctrine) you have you opinions and anything can change it and thats good enough. From what I've read you're big enough to embrace life fully.

    About relation before marriage well I guess love have more weight than marriage itself ... what to do think?

    Take care ... but your are just a human being with natural needs and natural feeling and if you believe that we are a product of an inteligent spirit ... he knows it all. Since your are not hypocrite ... what's wrong about your needs and feelings?

    That always have been my sentiment about that ... I don't want to be an hypocrite ... I can be patient if needed ... but don't ask me more than that (or more than I can bear).

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    The JW mindset has taught you everything evil lurks outside the KH doors ....am I right ?

    I was raised as a witness , and I know that is what I was taught and believed for a very long time . After being out for just one year I can tell you just how wrong that thinking was . I too worried about where I was going to make new friends . First I started here on JWD . I read and listened to more experienced ones than myself . I took advice of getting closer to people I work with, and I found some very interesting people . Each new friend has good , and bad traits just like me . Through those friendships I have found some that share my same sense of morality . Ask around ,ask what church some of your neighbors or workmates attend .Open up dialoge with people you meet . I think you will be surprised how many people there are of a higher fiber of morality than the society ever wanted you to know about . After I realized I had been lied to about what people in the world would be like . I took the next step to check out are Churches as bad as they are suppose to be. (Lie #2) . The church I visit down the street has been such an encouragement to me I didn't keep looking any farther . The people there are so concerned , but very unintrusive into your life . They preach keeping a high moral standard , but they do not degrade those that are struggeling . If someone has a problem or issue they pray to let Jesus come into their lives, and then they love that person , knowing God will take care of it . It really has been a beautiful thing to behold . I don't want to sound sappy about it , but really it was such a difference than I had expected to find . I hope you find what you are looking for : acceptance , happiness and love .

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