Am going to be reinstated

by Caine 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • penny2
    i know the emotional pressure that losing your family brings

    chopper, thanks for sharing your experience with us and welcome to JWD. It's good to hear when someone who suffered severely is able to get their life on track.


  • trevor


    A year after leaving the JW i started attending an AOG church. I LEARNT THE TRUTH!!

    If something has nearly killed you it is wise to avoid it. In this case religion in any of its forms.

    After all you have been through it would be tragic to make the same mistake twice.


  • blondie

    If full-time service guaranteed that no JW would suffer depression, it doesn't explain the Bethelites that committed suicide, or the 4 reg pios that I knew that did. Depression is a physical illness; who would suggest that someone stop taking insulin and pioneer instead to cure their diabetes, or stop taking their heart meds and pioneer instead to cure their heart disease,.


  • Tuesday

    eh, well good luck with that.

  • Caine

    how do i take clips for others posts and paste them to my reply...i must be doing something wrong. yes i am going back for family and friends. But i am also going to try to give it one more chance. I wanna go gung ho and see if i can get my belief system back.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    To clip and paste - highlight the text you have pasted in your reply, then hit the little bubble shape on the tool bar [to the right of smiley face].

    Before you go back to Emerald City, make sure it is a belief system that is worthy of your life. Watch Logan's Run. Read 1984.

    I wasted 40 years inside, then found that I had to leave due to error. If 'belief' is all you need, then ok. But if you think it is the 'truth', then take another good hard look. Life is too precious to squander needlessly.

    Whatever you decide - take some time and look around first. Catch your breath and let reality dissolve fantasy.


  • Hannah

    Alrighty then. I think you're only fooling your self if you think you're going to feel less depressed. Why in the world would you want to go back to all that crap? Obviously, your heart is not in it since you post and visit this board. What really is your motive for wanting to be reinstated? I'm with Orb. I don't get the reason for this post. Hope you have a happy life living a lie.

  • Caine

    I am going back for family and friends. Also, i spoke with another friend who was df'd. he said he just listens to 90% of it but the rest he just doesnt pay attention to. I think i can do the same thing. Anotrher friend said to me, who used to be a circuit overseer and started congregations in South America, "Do I know if its the truth, no i dont. But I do want to live my life according to bible principles and this is the umbrella under which i choose to worship god." I think i feel the same way. I will do some service, will be part of the school. May even do MS. Will never be an elder.

  • Satanus
    But I do want to live my life according to bible principles and this is the umbrella under which i choose to worship god."

    Other christians in other churches feel the same way, and you could also use another religion to do the same.


  • Caine
    A year after leaving the JW i started attending an AOG church

    What is this? Never heard of this church.

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