Am going to be reinstated

by Caine 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway
    I don't understand why someone would want to go back once they realize it isn't the truth just so their friends and family will acknowledge them but some people take a long time before they can break free. But what kind of friends are these won't even allow you to have your own thoughts and beliefs? Open your mouth once and say something they don't like and the friendship is over again. Rather childish isn't it? One thing for sure you won't be alone the Kingdom Halls are full of people playing this game you just won't know who they are because they are living in fear of being found out. Suffering through all the boring talks five meeting a weak is one thing but how will you be able to go out in service and try to trick others into the same lifestyle? Be prepared for a lot more depression if you go back.

    On the other hand, if it really is Jehovah you're there for, then the appreciation for His ways and principles will allow you to bring out the best in yourself and others around. The key is personal study, your relationship with Jehovah. Every day. If you can keep to that, you'll still get the opposition, but you'll have Jehovah on your side. And nothing can beat that. It's a matter of focusing on Jehovah's Kingdom and His will; the rest pales incomparison.

  • Dogpatch

    Welcome Chopper! And Caine I wish you the best. We are here for you.


    Net Soup!

  • Honesty


    I have been DF for 2 years now. After severe depression, 4 suicide attempts, intensive care in hospital twice to repair the damage i did (including open heart surgery after shooting myself), i know the emotional pressure that losing your family brings. I was 5th generation JW. That amounts to hundreds of relatives who still are JW. I am the only one who is not.

    It took months in a mental hospital for me to recover and accept the loss of my family.

    A year after leaving the JW i started attending an AOG church. I LEARNT THE TRUTH!!

    "The truth" is not with JW.

    I could have my family back easy. Sit up the back for six months, look "repentant". Piece of cake.

    But, i could never turn my back on Jesus.

    He said you would lose your family on account of him. (luke 12:53)

    You've read the posts here. You know whats going on. Even if you go back and "fade", you are denying christ.

    Sounds harsh, true. I am not gong to face Jesus and have him ask me why i didn't say something to you. chopper

    I was getting ready to post a new topic.

    The title was, "I can get my kids back."

    Then, I decided to read some threads first and found the above quote from chopper.


    I can get my children (ex-step daughter and son) back in less than a year if I do the following:

    1. Call the local kingdom hall and tell them that I want to rescind the verbal notice of disassociation I gave Bethel in 2004.

    2. Meet with 3 elders and tell them I no longer believe that Jesus is God as stated in John 1:1; Isaiah 9:6; John 20:28; 2 Peter 1:1; Titus 2:13; Jeremiah 23:6; Hebrews 1:8; 1 John 5:20.

    3. Renounce my conversion experience when the person of the Holy Spirit entered my body the moment I went to Jesus in prayer and asked His forgiveness for my personal sins.

    4. Agree to submit to the authority of the Governing Body instead of submitting to Jesus.

    5. Sit in the back of the hall and keep my mouth shut for 6-8 months while all my family and friends look right through me as if I don't exist.

    6. Never, ever again question any of the flip-flops and changing doctrines issued out of New York.

    7. Go out in Field Service after reinstatement and spread a false Gospel.

    I will stay right where I am and rejoice that I will never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

    The false prophets of the Watchtower will never be able to separate me from Christ's love no matter how long they keep my chidren enslaved to them.

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    On the other hand, if it really is Jehovah you're there for, then the appreciation for His ways and principles will allow you to bring out the best in yourself and others around. The key is personal study, your relationship with Jehovah. Every day. If you can keep to that, you'll still get the opposition, but you'll have Jehovah on your side. And nothing can beat that. It's a matter of focusing on Jehovah's Kingdom and His will; the rest pales incomparison.

    That might be true if we were talking about some of the churches of the dreaded Christendom where you are allowed to think for yourself and not be afraid of openly stating what you believe but that isn't the case with the Watchtower. No only are you expected to accept everything they teach, you are expected to peddle their ideas from door to door as truth. I don't see how God could smile down on you and back you for doing that. I agree that personal study is the key. The question is what kind of personal study. If it is personal Bible study fine, just put all the Watchtower publication to one side and read it and see what you come up with. Also you could read some books by authors like CS Lewis, OS Guinness, Mark Warren, John Stott, Francis Schaeffer to name few. Also there are hundreds of Bible commentaries you could look at to get different view points. Read something by Richard Dawkins to understand why some don't believe in God. If all the books you study come from one source, a bunch of old guys in NY who claim Christ came back in 1914 and chose them as the only means of dispensing truth then you have a problem. Where is the evidence he came back in 1914? Only in their publications. Where is the he chose them? Only in their publications. If you really believe this wouldn’t it be a good idea to go back to their publications from that time period and see what they were teaching? Isn’t it strange the Watchtower frowns on you doing this? Why do they try to cover up their past? The reason is because if you read what they wrote back then you would see that if Christ did come back then there is no way he would have chosen them. Their books and magazine from around that era are full of errors and ridiculous beliefs. Even the date they claim he returned at that time is wrong by their present teaching. Remember in 1914 they were teaching he came in 1874 back then and that 1914 was the day the world was to end. Even in the 1930s they were still teaching he came in 1874. Apparently their “eyes of understand” hadn’t kicked in yet. Anyway back to the point if you really want to get something good out of personal study then read as many points of view as possible. You can figure out for yourself whether they have something to say or not.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Sorry about the typos. I should look at my posts a little more carefully before hit send.

  • chopper


    You seem to be missing the point of what everyone is trying to say to you


    You will not feel better about yourself go back to that. Your happiness should not be dependant on how other people see you. You have to be happy in yourself. If you go back knowing that you are living a lie then you will feel worse about yourself.

    And go out in FS??? How could you suck somebody else into that cult. I am proud that after 36yrs going door to door i did not lead one single person into Satan's religious franchise.

    Be strong. Be courageous. Have some integrity. Stand up for what you know is right. You WILL be happy again.

    After all i have been through, i wouldn't change any of it. I have never been happier.

  • greendawn

    I suppose you are going back for the sake of family, and of course when you go on FS you can always go about in a way that will not attract anyone into this cult though by now most people know what this org is all about.

  • VanillaMocha73

    I tried going back and then I learned the truth. Sitting back in that KH and listening to the garbage is something I physically can no longer do. And go in field service? Not a chance - how could I draw other people into the same trap? Try other churches - I know we are conditioned to be afraid of them, but you will find that what you were told in the KH was lies.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Chopper said:

    You seem to be missing the point of what everyone is trying to say to you

    You will not feel better about yourself go back to that. Your happiness should not be dependant on how other people see you. You have to be happy in yourself. If you go back knowing that you are living a lie then you will feel worse about yourself.

    And go out in FS??? How could you suck somebody else into that cult. I am proud that after 36yrs going door to door i did not lead one single person into Satan's religious franchise.

    Be strong. Be courageous. Have some integrity. Stand up for what you know is right. You WILL be happy again.

    After all i have been through, i wouldn't change any of it. I have never been happier.


  • ex-nj-jw
    It's a matter of what appeals to a person's heart. The Apostle Paul wasn't bothered about words, even ones like cult. Yes, it's a strange 4-letter word that sound almost vulgar, but it's just a word, after all. Salvation is the key. Jehovah's Word sets the terms. It's His guidance we're looking for, even though we're hearing the words of imperfect reflections


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