Divorced, treated like crap from local Hall. Looking for new faith.

by magdalenefan 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • magdalenefan

    I am looking for a new belief. I was going through a divorce My Hall treated me like doo doo. I was broke and a nervous breakdown, and they shunned me. They have no love when you are hurting, and suffering.

    I have been searching the net for new ideas now that I know they are greedy, prideful people. I have been only a Witness for a few years, thank God! So leaving their self righteousness was not difficult.

    I think your column is great!! and a solace although I am jumping all around, trying not to think of myself as ex witness. I have little hurt or grudges, but maybe that still will come out when I remember how much I loved the witnesses.

    Their laws are so bad that they would not treat me human when I divorced. I am building up my esteem, and trying not to feel evil and outcasted no more. They neglected my marriage problems and would not help me.

    I correct myself, two witnesses whom I liked gave me two sacks of groceries, and were worried and kind to me, but they were in the process of moving away, so I was left with my local unloving group.

  • avidbiblereader

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear about all your pain and suffering. I too went through a divorce as my ex never had any grounds for leaving and her rich powerful family labeled me as an apostate and after 22 years of service that included pioneering, MS and elder, I couldn't get one shepherding call. So I know what you are going through, as soon as I read your post I thought this is my story all over again. Dont lose faith in God because of men, it shows as Jesus said about love that these people can talk a good talk but their actions bespeak of what they really are.


  • MinisterAmos

    Just out of curiosity, they gave you groceries but would they share a meal with you? I bet not.

  • magdalenefan

    My husband was a newer Witness like me, but they treated him like a jewel. A childless elder treated him like a son. They liked him so much more. I was a pioneer for a short while. I had no scriptual, witness law created grounds for divorce, so I guess that is why they dropped me like a hot potato. I was begging for help for our marriage for so long.

    I guess since him and I were showing up at every meeting in our finery, our nice clothes, and we're giving such great speeches, and dramas, what happens when we leave the kingdom hall, your life and feelings and problems beyond the four walls,....they dont care about. They turn a blind eye.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi magdelenefan, and welcome to the forum

    I am looking for a new belief.

    I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry, if I were you. Churches can seem strange and even frightening places after the watchtower indoctrination. Spend some time with us, do plenty of research, and in time you will find what you are looking for.

  • magdalenefan

    About the meal, no, they used the verse about not sharing the meal. I am typing from memory, too tired to look up the verse. I remember being a study, and inviting a few over for a pizza party, but it was the time I wasnt baptized so they read me the verse, and declined. And after the divorce, just the two came over to check on me, no one else from my hall came or called after that.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    My husband was a newer Witness like me, but they treated him like a jewel. A childless elder treated him like a son. They liked him so much more. I was a pioneer for a short while. I had no scriptual, witness law created grounds for divorce, so I guess that is why they dropped me like a hot potato. I was begging for help for our marriage for so long.

    ((((((((((Magdalenefan)))))))))) So sorry, sweetie! That's the way the WTS is....men are the "preferred commodity." Women are "things," even though they occasionally give obligatory lip service to the scriptures regarding loving one's wife as one's own self at public talks.

    Take the time to learn to believe in YOURSELF first, Mag. And find out what your good points and talents and your needs and desires are. I'm sure the WTS has managed to quash quite a bit of that in you.

    Welcome to the JWD forum, Mag! I hope you enjoy your stay with us.


  • jgnat

    Welcome, magdelenefan. I repeat the advice already given, don't be in too much a hurry to find a replacement. That can be as dangerous as finding a man on the rebound.

    Instead, take this time to reflect and heal.

  • truthsetsonefree

    I know of so manny wives who beg for help who get nothing. The husband is the head. And if you divorce, you are the bad one. This is one reason why I got my wife out. Even though we are divorcing I didn't want either of us or my daughter to go through the pain of doing it as JWs. And welcome to JWD. Its a great place for support.


  • poppers
    I have been searching the net for new ideas

    I am glad you are getting away from the JWs. However, trading one set of beliefs for another will only chain you to those as well. See what happens when all beliefs are relinquished - there is where freedom is found. People think they must have a set of beliefs in order to be happy and fulfilled - that's usually how they are raised. But is that true, or is that just another belief that keeps you chasing a dream? Let go of everything and just rest in the fullness of the moment - you will find something astonishing there.

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