Emotions dont "begin" with values. They are generated by a complex interaction of our internal neurophysiological and biological dispositions which are determined prenatally, from our genetic makeup. We have very little control over this as thousands of published papers in the fields of neurogenetics and behavioural physiology have demonstrated: our range of emotional reactivity is simply a pheotype derived from our unique genotype. Obviously our specific environments act within this circumscribed genetic range, but the simple point is, emotional reactivity is largely controlled by factors outside our conscious awareness.
VALUES are merely the result of conditioning, and developmental periods of positive and negative reinforcement provided by parents, siblings, peers, and society in general. It is the ACT of reinforcement (either positive or negative) that ELICITS the emotional association with the specific belief or behaviour being "conditioned". Emotions are simply the essential subtext to the formation of a value, as we would not develop a particular "belief" or "value" if it failed to have an emotional "core" attached to it, regardless of what that emotional meaning may be.
The spectrum of emotions have evolved over millions of years of hominid evolution in response to specific environmental forces which has led to the development of a complex system of emotional processing and regulation within the human brain.
A simplified neurocogntive-emotional circuit: Ventral tegmental area (Dopamine neurons) >>> send emotional neuronal signals to the AMYGDALA>>>>which then transmits the "combined" conditioned association between emotional information and its sensory meaning to >>>> the PREFRONTAL CORTEX where we form a conscious perception of this specific information within its "emotional context"......We can learn to control this to a limited extent by inhibiting the amygdala through descending input from the cortex, BUT, what is largely beyond our control is the emotional information being transmitted through the dopamine inputs and which are taking place at the SUBCONSCIOUS LEVEL......(to which we have no access).