Our emotions are a valuable source of information.
This is a simplified diagram of what happens when we feel emotion
EVENT>>>>>>>>>INTERPRETATION (may be based on our values)>>>>>>>>>>>EMOTIONAL RESPONSE.
Examples of the above happening
A battered wife whose husband says he is sorry and it wont happen again; does she accept or reject this. Her interpretation of events for arguments sake is based on having seen her own mother abused/ her own low feelings of self esteem and the man who is in front of her telling her he loves her and it wont happen again. Her values may be based on her life experience that abuse happens, it is normal, it is worth it for the good times, you have made your bed so you lie in it, you have to stay together for the kids. If she doesnt have emotional response to the abuse it will never change. If she doesnt have fear of this man and what he can do to her, she will never question her interpretation of life and change it.
A suicide bomber who is raised on the values of a religion. He is taught that it is right to die for God. The values he is has been given to a rational person are twisted, but to him they are right. The night before he is due to die in a suicide misssion, he is desperately sad and fearful. It is only at this point when his emotions are screaming out to him that something is wrong that he has a chance to examine and change his interpretation and their underlying values.
So sometimes our emotions are a valuable source of information. They are telling us that something is not right in OUR world and that it is time to re-evaluate our values, our source of interpretation.
It is only when a JW becomes totally fed up, depressed, unhappy, sad, angry with his life as a JW that he will begin to question that life; the things he has blindly accepted and the value system he has adopted.
In conclusion our emotions tell us what is happening to us in our world right now, this may be based on fact or fiction. The feelings these emotions arouse can be a very useful source of information in telling us something is right or wrong, good or bad. They may be the very thing that makes us stop and scrutinize all that we have been taught, learnt or had forced upon us.