But if the person does not consciously recognise something to be false, because they were raised on it, taught it as Absolute Truth it can happen the other way round. It can happen, that, they are emotionally uncomfortable with what has been INDOCTRINATED into them. Young minds that are poisoned with a belief system that requires obedience at any cost, dont necessarily question the belief system first. They are severely discouraged from going to other places for information and fear can keep them in that place. I grew up 'fearing' looking at apostate material or reasonings, 'fearing' taking a life saving blood transfusion etc. I believed those teachings to be true with my whole heart and mind. It had successfully been poisoned; I didnt need to look anywhere else, I already had the best. I have heard JWs say 'Why eat hamburgers, when you already have steak'.
We are tuned as Earth creatures to the reality of Earth. This despite anything we are merely told, taught, assured, asserted or indoctrinated with. Reality seeps into our skin and works its way wormlike into our interior where it nests and blossoms with fruit. We are creatures of skin and touch and we scent out the aroma of what really IS. Conflict is the thistle we bear when we tread upon the lies.
My whole point is that we can be fooled in our consciousness, certainly. But, as a bird's wings are made to fly; we long for the roar of the wind as well-- inasmuch as the evolution of our success is rooted in reality. We sense the contradiction. We feel the friction of the lie.
Life is for living. We see the happiness in others as they celebrate life on birthdays, Christmas, Easter and a hundred other ways. Yet, comes the voice of an elder or an anointed potentate telling us to turn our joy away. Turn off our light and wait for a hundred tomorrows and something will drop in our hand. Some part of us vibrates in resonance to the real life we must avoid and the emotion we feel is not what we're told it is supposed to be.
Put rollerskates on a penguin and teach him to skate for fish--but--he is made for icy climes and remote outposts through and through.
We humans are built for the real life, the real world and the ecstacy of living it well.
Only the fire of desperate passion can warm our blood to the fever of true life.