I used to have really bad calsutrophobia, i havent been in an enclosed space for a long time (i got stuck, and left in a suitcase as a child and that started that phobia big time - i was playing, no one put me inside it)
and really bad, like, have a heart attack bad fear of spiders, where i couldnt even stand the sight of one on tv, which also started in childhood, i was about 4, and was gardening with a neighbour, and there was a daddy long legs on my shirt, and she brushed it away with a knife (for cutting weeds?) and then i freaked out....now it is not so bad...i cant touch a spider yet, but i can stand having them share a roomw ith me as long as they arent huge and black....the ugly green ones with the translucent legs are gross, I kill them no probs...sorry spiders
im still scared of the dark tho....
i wont stay in my basement if the lights are off..... lol