Global Warming Hysteria

by metatron 262 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5go

    Those of you that think man can not affect climate forget how the romans did just that to the mesoptamians.

    Any one remember how ? It's still ruined to this day from what they did.

    Also how dust bowl was started. It was over farming that lead to soil eroision, that lead to a dust storm that reached Washington DC that lead to the Department of Agriculture being formed to stop it.

    The EPA was formed after certain RIVERS CAUGHT FIRE.

    Do we need a huge dust storm to convince you, scientist were saying it would happen well before it did back then too.

  • Warlock
    It's really embarrassing to see how poorly people reason - 'The fact that America is in many respects a more pleasant place to live than many other places in the world is positive evidence that our lifestyle can't be detrimental to our planet's long-term ability to sustain life"


    What's the matter? Feeling guilty?


  • Frank75

    This thread is funny for a number of reasons, most I will keep to myself. However, it is interesting how the pro-global warming persons seem to immediately disregard and attack the motives of the anti-global warming persons. The pros remind me of how the Dubs attempt to win arguments. Say something with enough bluster, and you will win, right?

    I am not trying to pick on XJW4EVER on this, but merely post his comment to point out the straw man that is being constructed of people like myself, BA and others.


    It is not at all fair to call this debate that has evolved by either "Pro Global Warming" and "Anti Global warming" (or the "Denyers") As far as I can see those who have posted here virtually all agree that the earths temperature is rising, thus global warming during this interglacial is a fact that is hard to dispute. The simple truth is that since we are not in an Ice Age at present that we are either ascending (warming) or descending (cooling) in what is commonly called an Inter Glacial period.

    What is disputed is the causality of the warming. One camp insists on dwelling on the human component. Do humans have an impact on the environment, YES. That is impossible to deny.

    Does this impact or footprint play a role in the warming trend that we are observing? Possibly! So let's apply the scientific method to that hypothesis!

    No "we" do not deny Global Warming, but merely contest that Global warming is caused by CO2 levels (at all, in part or let alone just those emitted by mankind)

    How much of an impact (scientifically proved) are we having on earths temperature rise and what are the fundamental contributors? CO2 emissions? How can we go all in on this poker hand without due process or shall we say - proof? Scientific data shows that rising CO2 levels have never preceded warming trends but rather have followed in the wake of warming trends. In fact many ancient periods of cooling either resulted from or merely follow increased or increasing CO2 levels.

    It is quite simply like going to a mechanic with an overheating engine and he pops his head out from under the hood and says, "you need a bottom end rebuild that will cost $4500". You ask him how he came to that conclusion and he tells you "I can just tell by lookin at her". Unsatisfied with his explanation you go to another mechanic and he replaces the thermostat and gives you a bill for $85 and your problem goes away.

    I am not saying there is a solution that will make global warming go away like changing a thermostat, but are we all so stupid that we want our governments to spend billions of dollars of our tax money (we are the ones paying the bill when governments implement policy I hope we are all in agreement on that one) rebuilding the bottom end of our global economy only to find out that it was the Thermostat after all?!!

    One outspoken and equally characterized Canadian Scientist (Tim Ball) has faced the same narrow minded criticisms of his comments. He has never denied that we are in a warming trend but has actually pointed it out over his extensive career (he is now retired), in fact his biggest opposer David Suzuki (self proclaimed naturalist and TV personality in Canada) has himself changed the debate from that of Global Warming to his present position which is simply "Climate Change". So who is denying Global Warming here? People who have adopted the new speak on the issue are positioned to be correct no matter what happens to the global temperature or weather picture. It is like the weatherman on Channel 5 saying "next week we are going to see weather each of the 5 days of our 5 day forecast". That is not a position at all and neither is the one being taken by the supporters of Kyoto who have adopted this new hedged bet!

    Dr Tim Ball: I was accused by Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki of being paid by oil companies. That is a lie. Apparently he thinks if the fossil fuel companies pay you have an agenda. So if Greenpeace, Sierra Club or governments pay there is no agenda and only truth and enlightenment?

    Likewise those who are skeptical about the emotional and sensational conclusions being put forward are accused of not caring about the environment, natural resource waste and mismanagement and a host of other environmental claims. That is just not true. For example this Dr Timothy Ball has been assassinated as not caring for our environment, being in bed with the oil companies and the usually ad hom attacks. Note his resume as it pertains to the environment:

    Dr Tim Ball

    Chairman of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project, is a renowned environmental consultant and former professor of climatology at the University of Winnipeg. Dr. Ball has served on many local and national committees and as Chair of Provincial boards on water management, environmental issues and sustainable development.

    His other work in such areas as water resources, sustainable development, pollution prevention, environmental regulations, the impact of government policy on business and economics will be invaluable as NRSP tackles other issues starting later in 2007.

    Al Gores $20,000,000 documentary has not been well received by scientists. Note what some have said:

    Professor Bob Carter of the Marine Geophysical Laboratory at James Cook University, in Australia "Gore's circumstantial arguments are so weak that they are pathetic. It is simply incredible that they, and his film, are commanding public attention."

    "The man is an embarrassment to US science and its many fine practitioners, a lot of whom know (but feel unable to state publicly) that (Al Gore's) propaganda crusade is mostly based on junk science."

    Appearing before the Commons Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development last year, Carleton University paleoclimatologist Professor Tim Patterson testified, "There is no meaningful correlation between CO2 levels and Earth's temperature over this [geologic] time frame. In fact, when CO2 levels were over ten times higher than they are now, about 450 million years ago, the planet was in the depths of the absolute coldest period in the last half billion years." Patterson asked the committee, "On the basis of this evidence, how could anyone still believe that the recent relatively small increase in CO2 levels would be the major cause of the past century's modest warming?"

    Patterson concluded his testimony by explaining what his research and "hundreds of other studies" reveal: on all time scales, there is very good correlation between Earth's temperature and natural celestial phenomena such changes in the brightness of the Sun.

    Dr. Boris Winterhalter, former marine researcher at the Geological Survey of Finland and professor in marine geology, University of Helsinki, takes apart Gore's dramatic display of Antarctic glaciers collapsing into the sea. "The breaking glacier wall is a normally occurring phenomenon which is due to the normal advance of a glacier," says Winterhalter. "In Antarctica the temperature is low enough to prohibit melting of the ice front, so if the ice is grounded, it has to break off in beautiful ice cascades. If the water is deep enough icebergs will form."

    Dr. Wibjorn Karlen, emeritus professor, Dept. of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, Sweden, admits, "Some small areas in the Antarctic Peninsula have broken up recently, just like it has done back in time. The temperature in this part of Antarctica has increased recently, probably because of a small change in the position of the low pressure systems."

    Karlen clarifies that the 'mass balance' of Antarctica is positive - more snow is accumulating than melting off. As a result, there is an increase in the 'calving' of icebergs as the ice dome of Antarctica is growing and flowing to the oceans.
    a paper published in 2003 by University of Alaska professor Igor Polyakov shows that, the region of the Arctic where rising temperature is supposedly endangering polar bears showed fluctuations since 1940 but no overall temperature rise. "For several published records it is a decrease for the last 50 years,"

    Dr. Dick Morgan, former advisor to the World Meteorological Organization and climatology researcher at University of Exeter, U.K. gives the details, "There has been some decrease in ice thickness in the Canadian Arctic over the past 30 years but no melt down. The Canadian Ice Service records show that from 1971-1981 there was average, to above average, ice thickness. From 1981-1982 there was a sharp decrease of 15% but there was a quick recovery to average, to slightly above average, values from 1983-1995. A sharp drop of 30% occurred again 1996-1998 and since then there has been a steady increase to reach near normal conditions since 2001."

    Morgan points out that, in addition to the cooling in the NW Atlantic, massive areas of cooling are found in the North and South Pacific Ocean; the whole of the Amazon Valley; the north coast of South America and the Caribbean; the eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea, Caucasus and Red Sea; New Zealand and even the Ganges Valley in India. Morgan explains, "Had the IPCC used the standard parameter for climate change (the 30 year average) and used an equal area projection, instead of the Mercator (which doubled the area of warming in Alaska, Siberia and the Antarctic Ocean) warming and cooling would have been almost in balance."

    Dr Tim Ball In April 2006 sixty of the world's leading experts in the field asked Canadian Prime Minister (Steven) Harper to order a thorough public review of the science of climate change, something that has never happened in Canada. Considering what's at stake - either the end of civilization, if you believe Gore, or a waste of billions of dollars, if you believe his opponents - it seems like a reasonable request.

    Dr. Chris de Freitas, climate scientist, associate professor, University of Auckland, New Zealand: ”I can assure Mr. Gore that no one from the South Pacific islands have fled to New Zealand because of rising seas. In fact, if Gore consults the data, he will see it shows sea level falling in some parts of the Pacific.”

    Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner, emeritus professor of paleogeophysics & geodynamics, Stockholm University, Sweden: “We find no alarming sea level rise going on, in the Maldives, Tovalu, Venice, the Persian Gulf and even satellite altimetry if applied properly.”

    Richard Lindzen's an atmospheric physicist and a professor of meteorology at MIT, renowned for his research in dynamic meteorology - especially atmospheric waves. He is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences and has held positions at the University of Chicago, Harvard University and MIT frequently speaks out against the notion that significant Global Warming is caused by humans.

    Misleading statistics in Al Gores Documentary:

    Al Gore "Starting in 1970, there was a precipitous drop-off in the amount and extent and thickness of the Arctic ice cap."

    Dr Tim Ball: "The survey that Gore cites was a single transect across one part of the Arctic basin in the month of October during the 1960s when we were in the middle of the cooling period. The 1990 runs were done in the warmer month of September, using a wholly different technology."

    Does that seem scientific?

    Gore's point that 200 cities and towns in the American West set all time high temperature records is also misleading according to Dr. Roy Spencer, Principal Research Scientist at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. "It is not unusual for some locations, out of the thousands of cities and towns in the U.S., to set all-time records," he says. "The actual data shows that overall, recent temperatures in the U.S. were not unusual."

    Dr. Paul Reiter, Professor - Institut Pasteur, Unit of Insects and Infectious Diseases, Paris, France, comments on Gore’s belief that Nairobi and Harare were founded just above the mosquito line to avoid malaria and how the mosquitoes are now moving to higher altitudes: “Gore is completely wrong here - malaria has been documented at an altitude 2500 m - Nairobi and Harare are at altitudes of about 1500 m. The new altitudes of malaria are lower than those recorded 100 years ago. None of the “30 so called new diseases” Gore references are attributable to global warming, none.”

    Dr. Mitchell Taylor, Manager, Wildlife Research Section, Department of Environment, Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada: “Our information is that 7 of 13 populations of polar bears in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (more than half the world’s estimated total) are either stable, or increasing …. Of the three that appear to be declining, only one has been shown to be affected by climate change. No one can say with certainty that climate change has not affected these other populations, but it is also true that we have no information to suggest that it has.”

    Statistics Lie and Liars use statistic!?

    Dr. Petr Chylek, adjunct professor, Dept. of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: “Mr. Gore suggests that Greenland melt area increased considerably between 1992 and 2005. But 1992 was exceptionally cold in Greenland and the melt area of ice sheet was exceptionally low due to the cooling caused by volcanic dust emitted from Mt. Pinatubo. If, instead of 1992, Gore had chosen for comparison the year 1991, one in which the melt area was 1% higher than in 2005, he would have to conclude that the ice sheet melt area is shrinking and that perhaps a new ice age is just around the corner.”

    Dr. Gary D. Sharp, Center for Climate/Ocean Resources Study, Salinas, California: “The oceans are now heading into one of their periodic phases of cooling. … Modest changes in temperature are not about to wipe them [coral] out. Neither will increased carbon dioxide, which is a fundamental chemical building block that allows coral reefs to exist at all.”

    Dr. R. M. Carter, professor, Marine Geophysical Laboratory, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia: “Both the Antarctic and Greenland ice caps are thickening. The temperature at the South Pole has declined by more than 1 degree C since 1950. And the area of sea-ice around the continent has increased over the last 20 years.”

    Rob Scagel, M.Sc., forest microclimate specialist, Pacific Phytometric Consultants, Surrey, British Colombia, Canada comments on Gore’s belief that the Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) is an “invasive exotic species” that has become a plague due to fewer days of frost: “The MPB is a species native to this part of North America and is always present. The MPB epidemic started as comparatively small outbreaks and through forest management inaction got completely out of hand.”

    There is simply too much more Science to post here!

    Lastly does anyone think that what is most likely the cause of the debate is a mostly bible thumping Apocalyptic majority who basically believe that God created the earth in 6 days and a doomsday catastrophe is inevitable? Is it easier to believe the sky is falling than to part with cherished beliefs that do not include much love for the science community or the existence of Ice Ages and continental drift?

    Just a thought


  • hillary_step

    For the sake of the few posters to this thread who seem to have no clue regarding the basics of debate who frankly should not be allowed unlicensed keyboards, and who make comments such as these :

    You are clearly not getting it. If you have credible proof that more than a few percent of Global Warming can be attributed to human sources- post it. It is up to the folks pushing the sky is falling agenda to prove it.

    I will just lay this down very, very simply for them.

    The subject of the debate of this thread was NOT raised by the PRO-Global Warming candidates, it was made by the ANTI Global- Warming candidates, hence the title of the thread : 'Global Warming Hysteria'.

    Now, what this means is that because challenge has been raised in a topic thread by the ANTI Global-Warming candidates, it is within their realm of responsibility to present a case for their view. The pro-global-warming candidates THEN rebut the case made by the opposition.

    Abbadon, who understands the process of debate, has repeatedly asked that this position be laid down so that he may have opportunity to rebut the challenge made. As he said, 'show me the science' behind your challenge and let the debate begin.

    I hope that I have made this simple enough for some posters to this thread to understand. If they are not bright enough to understand the obvious, then I suggest they stand aside and go into read-mode, or in XJW and elderwho's case, slap and giggle mode, and let some serious debate take place.


  • 5go

    So in short sit back and wait for the dust storm because, that is the only way we will ever get you to side with us I can do that. I got really nothing to lose.

    To bad this it will take a lot more than crop rotations and top soil preserving to fix it.

    By the way the dust storm I am refering to.

    On November 11, 1933, a very strong dust storm stripped topsoil from desiccated South Dakota farmlands in just one of a series of bad dust storms that year. Then on May 11, 1934, a strong two-day dust storm removed massive amounts of Great Plainstopsoil in one of the worst such storms of the Dust Bowl. The dust clouds blew all the way to Chicago where filth fell like snow, dumping the equivalent of four pounds of debris per person on the city. Several days later, the same storm reached cities in the east, such as Buffalo, Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C. That winter, red snow fell on New England.

    Does this sound familiar

    Poor Land Management Practices
    A number of poor land management practices in the Great Plains region increased the vulnerability of the area before the 1930s drought. Some of the land use patterns and methods cultivation in the region can be traced back to the settlement of the Great Plains nearly 100 years earlier. At that time, little was known of the region’s climate. Several expeditions had explored the region, but they were not studying the region for its agricultural potential, and, furthermore, their findings went into government reports that were not readily available to the general public (Fite, 1966). Misleading information, however, was plentiful. “Boosters” of the region, hoping to promote settlement, put forth glowing but inaccurate accounts of the Great Plains’ agricultural potential. In addition to this inaccurate information, most settlers had little money or other assets, and their farming experience was based on conditions in the more humid eastern United States, so the crops and cultivation practices they chose often were not suitable for the Great Plains. But the earliest settlements occurred during a wet cycle, and the first crops flourished, so settlers were encouraged to continue practices that would later have to be abandoned. When droughts and harsh winters inevitably occurred, there was widespread economic hardship and human suffering, but the early settlers put these episodes behind them once the rains returned. Although adverse conditions forced many settlers to return to the eastern United States, even more continued to come west. The idea that the climate of the Great Plains was changing, particularly in response to human settlement, was popularly accepted in the last half of the 19th century. It was reflected in legislative acts such as the Timber Culture Act of 1873, which was based on the belief that if settlers planted trees they would be encouraging rainfall, and it was not until the 1890s that this idea was finally abandoned (White, 1991). Although repeated droughts tested settlers and local/state governments, the recurrence of periods of plentiful rainfall seemed to delay recognition of the need for changes in cultivation and land use practices.

    "Around World War I they were talking about upsetting the balance of nature on the plains. People were worried about insect outbreaks, I think, more than anything else. But nobody had seen dust storms of a scale that the 30's would bring. Indians came along and told people to leave the grass where it was. There may have been a few obscure individuals who worried about what was going on. But most of the people living in the area were pretty well caught up in the dream of progress and turning this place into a bread basket. So if there were misgivings, they were not being published....I think particularly in the 20's when the great plow-up occurred, there was an enormous sense of invulnerability, at least in official circles, and I think to a large extent among settlers and farmers."

    Amongst the myriad reasons for erosion, the farming practices of the 1920's and 30's were highly relevant. Prior to World War I, a variety of crops were being grown, which tended to allow the farmer to survive: if one failed another crop would carry him through. Since fewer brooms were made from broomcorn and few options were available to sell grain sorghums, these crops declined in production as wheat became the staple crop. The appearance of modern mechanical farm equipment encouraged farmers to plow up more land and to plant on marginal acreage. The combine, tractor, one way-plow and truck all made possible greater yields and higher profits. Unfortunately, these devices could not change the basic dynamics of wind and rain.

  • Frank75


    The culprit for global warming and cooling seems primarily to be the sun.

    A statement with enough science and exactness in it to respond to!

    Yes, and the reason that the majority of scientists are concerned is the current increase in temperature cannot be explained by the sun THIS TIME, even though it's role is pivotal and it has caused climsate change before.

    As you seem to be interested in the science, let's cut to the chase.

    1. If my statement that there is no forcing from the sun to account for current climatic trends is incorect, please show me.
    2. If it is correct, please give me (with evidence) what forcing IS causing recent trends?
    3. If you are unable to do this, please speculate on likely forcings causing curerent climatic trends.


    I enjoyed reading your post that made the above point. As I am not a climatologist and I suspect neither are you, I am sure you realize that the statement about the sun was not made as a definitive debate ender, or the only cause of a global warming trend. Research however by those in the appropriate fields should be respected and acknowledged rather than running with the crowd just because the crowd finds something to be in vogue because Darrel Hanna and Leonardo DiCaprio are fully behind it.

    Questions/challenges 1 and 2 from above are answered below and 3 is negated by the link provided

    Read this scientific article on the relationship of the Sun with earth Climate change in the past 240 years : #

    Although the above paper is not dogmatic so as to say Sun activity is the only scenario, it certainly is more reliable than your whimsical comment quoted below.

    Yes, and the reason that the majority of sceintists are concerned is the current increase in temperature cannot be explained by the sun THIS TIME, even though it's role is pivotal and it has caused climsate change before.

    First of all what majority is that? Second, since when are the majority right. Are these scientists you mention climatologists or related to that field? Who are they, what is their expertise, what are their names and what do they say?

    Another article on the Sun:

    Articles have been written on Orbital Cycles and Ocean Currents as forcings for Global Warmings as well. Any of these seperately or all together are more plausible causes than CO2 levels caused by man.

    An Alternative scenario? By accredited scientists even?

    GeophysicsGlobal warming in the twenty-first century: An alternative scenario

    (climate change / greenhouse gases / aerosols / air pollution)

    James Hansen * , dagger , Makiko Sato * , Dagger , Reto Ruedy * , Andrew Lacis * , and Valdar Oinas * , §

    * National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Dagger Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University Earth Institute, and § Center for Environmental Prediction, Rutgers University, 2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025

    Contributed by James Hansen, June 16, 2000

    A common view is that the current global warming rate will continue or accelerate. But we argue that rapid warming in recentdecades has been driven mainly by non-CO 2 greenhouse gases (GHGs),such as chlorofluorocarbons, CH 4 , and N 2 O, not by the productsof fossil fuel burning, CO 2 and aerosols, the positive and negativeclimate forcings of which are partially offsetting. The growthrate of non-CO 2 GHGs has declined in the past decade. If sourcesof CH 4 and O 3 precursors were reduced in the future, the changein climate forcing by non-CO 2 GHGs in the next 50 years couldbe near zero. Combined with a reduction of black carbon emissionsand plausible success in slowing CO 2 emissions, this reductionof non-CO 2 GHGs could lead to a decline in the rate of globalwarming, reducing the danger of dramatic climate change. Sucha focus on air pollution has practical benefits that unite theinterests of developed and developing countries. However, assessmentof ongoing and future climate change requires composition-specificlong-term global monitoring of aerosolproperties.

    I also see that you picked up on my comments about the Global Cooling scare I mentioned from the 70's. You seem to take offense to myself and others bringing it up but you actually illustrate our point in your critique. Although I mentioned scientific concern at that time it was on the level of scientific concern of the like that the sun will die out and supernova in 5 billion years or so. The scientific community was not behind this scare at all, but rather self serving pseudo scientific journals, newspapers and articles.

    That is precisely what is being done on the issue of Global Warming as far as documentary such as "An Inconvenient truth" are concerned.

    How is that you can point the finger at us for picking out the fringe rhetoric from that period (a loose characterisation of what was really done by myself anyway) but you don't seem to apply the same rule to your own conclusions with regard to the sensational claims made by non scientists and non scientific sources. (Kyoto and the UN IPCC report are by their very nature political motivated documents weakly supported by scientists who are acting outside their areas of expertise or at least misapplying their expertise)

    To those not arsed enough to read it, the key points are;

    "the results indicate that the long-term trend over the next 20,000 years is towards extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation and cooler climate" is a fair example of the claims being made by real scientists in real science mags.

    A thorough examination of the science behind the debate on why Global Warming is not an open and shut case will bring about the same conclusion as you noted above. The sky is not falling now anymore than it was in the 70's. So say the "real scientists" in "real scientific papers and mags". That was my point in bringing the matter up!

    Do we need to be better stewards of earths resources, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and other non renewable resources? Definitely!

    Do we need to cut wasteful, harmful and toxic emissions? Naturally the answer is yes!

    Do we need to fight for clean water, clean water and better land management? Yes!!

    All of this can be accomplished without resorting to mud slinging, name calling and the promoting/selling fiction as fact.

    We do not need Al Gore on our shoulders as the spokesperson and poster boy for what is best for the planet and humanity.

    Kyoto? Unfortunately the only way the USA could keep up with Kyoto initiatives that require a cut in emissions of 25% by 2012 is to build more nuclear plants for starters. However that won't happen because no one wants nuclear facilities in their backyard. It is a political hot potato. Likewise most Americans want cleaner energy sources but do not want wind mills in their backyards either.

    Cost of Kyoto? 1 Trillion $. What will that net the fight against Global Warming according to the report by IPCC by 2050? .06 degrees Celcius!


    10 common myths about Global Warming :

  • Abaddon


    I have a minor degree in Science Education (balanced across the three core subjects). My major is English Literature (BA Hons.), but to be honest I took 2/3 of the science major course before switching to English literature and could equally have had my final degree classified as a BSc due to the excess of points I had (due to the switch of subject I had about a third extra points for course passed). Since then I have studied evolutionary biology to an extent I'd be quite sanguine about sitting a final exam for a Bsc in Evolutionary Biology if I had a few months to review the exact syllabus.

    I wouldn't say I have expert or special knowledge about other areas, but I can critically analyse quite complicated texts on biological or physical science due to my educational background.

    Of course, whether this is enough for you I can't say. I can be as wrong as the next guy, but as no one's bothered actually debating the science yet and every single point raised by the anti lobby in this thread is a meaningless anecdote or provably a misconception or just plain wrong (by all means rebutt these statements), I don't feel very wrong at this moment in time.


    Good luck with getting Brother Apo to come up with anything substansive. As (arguably) an arrogant bastard, I know his type. I'm just (on the evidence of all these threads I've posted on the sad obsessive has been reading) an arrogant bastard who backs up his opinions with facts. He's an arrogant bastard who is seethingly resentful towards someone who shows him up for what he is, and of anyone who has taken the trouble to educate themselves. See how he immediately seeks to undermine any claims for scientific background anyone might make? He can't stand the idea that some people are simply more qualified than him, so has to poison the well in advance. Even if someone scaned and posted documention, he'd claim it was Photoshopped. The guy's a joke, and the funniest thing is he actually seems enough of a mouth-breather to think his facade convinces people. No doubt he will do his standard C&P of my post, which I'll not bother reading (unless it looks like a decent scientific response, but I now think this is beyond him).

    He now is trying to claim we are the same person; hey, hillary, I've had some great arguments with myself in the past, if that is the case, eh?

    I am not sure if Abbadon has insinuated in the past that you are rather dull and stupid? If he has not done so, he has been too kind.

    LOL. Now he'll be convinced we are the same people.

    XJW4EVR & elderwho

    You seem to have failed to notice it is the anti lobby on this thread that are refusing to substansiate their claims. From the very start they avoided getting involved in any real scientific discussion.

    You can ignore this all you like, but it is true, and is a far greater indication of how things lie than the conclusions your personal bias (observed previously) draws you too.

    You're free to make similar comments about me having a personal bias based on past threads, but this doesn't change the fact the anti-global warming lobby have no facts to support their claims and cannot explain the evidence that is available, and typically at this level are just parrotting claims (of a quality I think I have demonstrated) made by lobbiests with a political agenda.

    If what I say is wrong, please show me.

    Of course, 'empty vessels' like Bro Apo (as all three of you use Dubbie terminology in your handles I assume you're cognescent of such a scriptual allusion) make it seem like the 'pro' lobby have to prove something. Yet the argument that he and others are typically making is a vauge 'the scientists are wrong'. One can't respond to such vaugeness. I and others would be happy to respond to anything specific - I've already addressed the few specific claims made on this thread above.

    Just one question; isn't it funny how not one person who was rattling on about 'they were wrong about ice ages in the 70's they're wrong bout global warming now' has conceded that the linked article proves what was actually generally thought or alternately attempted to show the article is wrong? What does this tell you? It seems facts don't play a major role in the formation of some people's opinions, so I suppose facts aren't going to dissuade them from opinions either.

    Just a Creationists have no theory to explain the evidence around us (other than 'apparent' age, LOL), so to do the anti-lobby have no theory to explain current trends.


    Thank you for actually giving a decent response... maybe we can drag this thread out of the slough of dispond it's fallen into with the help of hillary and others.

    As I am sat in a airport departure lounge with my laptop waiting for a delayed flight, I'd rather respond later. Maybe after my daughter's asleep this evening or on Tuesday when I'm back to normal schedule? Sunday night I am planning on destroying some brain cells and I am travelling Monday evening. Hope you don't mind.

  • Frank75


    Thank you for actually giving a decent response... maybe we can drag this thread out of the slough of dispond it's fallen into with the help of hillary and others.

    As I am sat in a airport departure lounge with my laptop waiting for a delayed flight, I'd rather respond later. Maybe after my daughter's asleep this evening or on Tuesday when I'm back to normal schedule? Sunday night I am planning on destroying some brain cells and I am travelling Monday evening. Hope you don't mind.


    I hope you have a good time with your daughter and I apologize for some of my bluntness. I understand your point clearer as I have now examined more closely some of the comments of others that I only scanned initially. If you sense my underwear being in a knot in my responses it is mostly unintentional, however I thought my first post although not directly quoting scientists, it contained a link to a video presentation that sums up the folly of the majority view on this subject of CO2 and Global Warming.

    Here it is again:

    Every single contributor in that presentation is an established, peer respected, and renowned scientific expert in his field. One of the scientists was even designated by the UN (Dr. Tad Murtry) to examine the data, comment and report back on the accuracy presented in the IPCC report. None of his critical observations were taken into consideration or their validity challenged. Why? Because it did not suit the political agenda.

    Listening to him talk I was reminded of a conversation I had with a dub recently about the Trinity brochure of the JW's. It was bad enough that the references/quotations on page 7 that were intended to prove that Tertullian, Origen and other early apologists did not believe that Jesus was God had not source notations or references to any of those persons writings or catalogue. Additionally the logic was only intended to work one way as is most propaganda. The section starts off that if we can establish that the early church did not believe in the Trinity, then it is not a true church teaching and crept in later. After discovering that the quotations cited in the Trinity brochure are to be found nowhere and likely complete fabrications, an honest appraisal of the opinions and writings of those same men can easily be shown to support the contention that they did believe in either the literal oneness of God and Jesus and/or the Trinity.

    Whether I believe or care to believe any of it is not relevant as it was the Dubs who laid out the parameters. If the apologists of that time did believe the Trinity then conversely the idea that God and Jesus are distinct individuals was a later development and should therefore be rejected. However that is obviously not how the discussion was left as the dubs can obviously not bring themselves to admit anything that contradicts their patently held positions.

    That is exactly what type of political agenda seems to have happened with the IPCC report that is swaying general opinion on Global warming. Some of the scientists who have examined the evidence and data presented in the IPCC report simply say they have "found errors" in the data such as the so called hockey stick graph used to prove we are living in a period of unprecedented spiking of the global climate. This is a kindness on their part to avoid accusing these propagandists of the obvious deliberate manipulation of the data to support their political agenda. Rexamination of the data used shows that our 20th century has not spiked any more dramatically than the 15th century which actually spiked higher

    Canadians were sent a flyer from the government a few years ago that promoted reduction of individual CO2 footprints and warned of Global Warming. It said that our 20th century is the warmest period in the millenia. That statement just isn't true!

    The CO 2 - Global Warming Hypothesis

    Hansen (1988) suggested that increasing levels of CO 2 produced from burning of fossil fuels would lead to catastrophic warming of the earth's atmosphere. To support that claim, some scientists point to the increase of atmospheric CO 2 from 280 ppm to 370 ppm over the last 100 years, and suggest this was the cause of a global temperature rise, purported to be on the order of 0.6°C.

    Computer simulation models of the atmosphere, called General Circulation Models (GCM's), incorporate projections of ever-increasing CO 2 levels with many other parameters in efforts to forecast climate into the future. These models suggest increasing temperature levels, which the IPCC and others attribute to CO 2 .

    Problems with the CO 2 - Global Warming Hypothesis

    An examination of published scientific data show many inconsistencies between the climate record and the CO 2 - Global Warming hypothesis. Some of these are:

    • The major greenhouse gas is water vapour, and the nature of CO2 / water vapour interactions is not clearly understood. Moreover, James Hansen (2000) downplayed the role of CO2 as a greenhouse gas.
    • Antarctic ice cores in one study show carbon dioxide concentrations increased by 80 to 100 ppm about 600 years after the warming of the last three deglaciations, while in another study Antarctic ice core data show that CO2 levels lag an increase in temperature by 900 to 1200 years.
    • World Climate Report shows that annual growth in concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere have remained essentially flat from 1975 to the present - during a time of maximum production of CO2 from fossil fuels. This casts doubt on the claim that rapid and dramatic build-ups of CO2 will occur in the future.
    • We know that CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels was not the cause of dramatic historical climate changes, for example, 1000 years ago, in the Medieval Warm Period or in the Little Ice Age that followed from about 1350 to about 1860. We are still emerging, in an oscillating fashion, on the warming trend that came after the Little Ice Age. Global historical temperature data is readily available, for example Canada, Mediterranean, Alaska, China and Canadian Rockies.
    • In the 20th century, there was little correlation between temperature changes and CO2 levels. Some surface temperature measurements show a 0.5°C rise over the past 100 years. However, that average hides some significant details. From 1905 to 1940, a rise of about 0.5°C was measured, during which time there was an imperceptible rise in CO2. From 1940 to 1975, the temperature decreased about 0.2°C, while CO2 levels started to increase more rapidly. The out-of-sync relationship is obvious.

    The irony in all of this scapegoating of CO2 is that some scientist have presented data that recent higher CO2 which promotes plant growth is actually behind bumper crops all over the earth. These scientists embrace the increase in CO2 as a positive. Even if we could reduce CO2 levels even eliminate the human footprint altogether, the results to our food supply would be disastrous!!

    I await your response next week and hope that we don't have to backslide into some of the jabs I took at your statements/position. Lets try to have a healthy debate and be open to the possibility that there may be a higher middle ground yet in all of this!


  • ellderwho


    Personally I like to watch you get your panties in a twist. I think its amusing how serious you think all of this is.

  • tetrapod.sapien


    i agree with your position. i think we are influencing the speed of change/shift. but the media is the people. the media is not run by people in white lab coats. the media is run by other people. the hysteria in the media is a reflection of general unimaginativeness in the public (lack of ability in understanding data = subconscious, percolating fear).

    the problem i have with both sides of the debate is the implicit assumption that the solution to our energy requirements is technological. when it is the very technological fixation that has spawned into a pathology of having and consuming that has got us to this point in the first place. no one seems to be talking about the fact that a shift in the psychological state of humanity, from person to person, away from pathological energy consumption and prduction, to an understanding that economic progress is not human progress. i feel this glaring point is usually lost in the debate about climate change, which i really see as part of the larger debate of what we as a species, really, really value. i mean, why do we need to stay in this course of insane consumption? because we are pathological havers, not because alientated consumption IS human nature, as some seem to imply in their actions.

    Despite a loss of religion, some people still love doomsaying about the End of the World, regardless.

    i don't think religion has been lost. just the names of the labels have changed. myths evolve.


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