I'm slowly recovering from a flu. Reading up a bit about flus, i found that about 80% of them come from china. It's because in some areas of china, large numbers of people and other animals like pigs, fowl and even some wild animals waiting to be eaten live really close together. Close enough for naughty things like this
to happen. That's when it happens, mutated virii within the animal hosts spread to humans, and it's the start of another flu for world consumption.
So, i'm thinking, since china not only makes 80% of everything good, but also 80% of the flu virii, why don't we make them stop it? I mean, can you imagine a world w 80% fewer flu victims. True, it would probably set back evolution a few milleniums, but it would save the world a lot of money and suffering and kleenexes in the meantime. I'm not suggesting forcing kosher standards on the chinese, no. Just put enough distance between the humans and the other animals to stop what we see above. Basically, get them outta the house. China is making so much money, it can afford to do a small thing like this to make the world a healthier place. What do you say?
Ps, i'm thinking of mailing their health dept commrade a bill for my time lost from work for the last week. Where is the un, when you need it?