Define your spiritual side

by JH 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry
    sounds very gnostic, terry!

    Gno way!

  • Terry

    I am interested to know Terry why you think you are here; why you exist and what you consider your relationship with the rest of mankind is?

    And how do you define such an examination?

    Genuinely curious

    I am here because my parents had unprotected sex.

    I exist because dad's sperm got er done!

    My relationship with the rest of mankind? Astonished observer!

    Such an examination is defined as having proceeded from half a bottle of Saki!

  • SPAZnik

    Eww! Saki sux! Blech!! *shudder*

  • fifi40

    Hmmmm.................flippancy.......the most hopeless form of intellectual vice.

    As I am sure you are aware, I meant purpose. I am interested in what you consider to be the purpose of your life; or for that matter any of us?

    What do you consider life is all about?

    Also why are you astonished at human behaviour, when you look at the cause for peoples behaviour why are you astonished?

    And I am serious about these questions, I am interested in knowing what you would consider the answer to mankinds ailments, taking into account that not all are rational; and then some are rational, but are aware of a spiritual side to their nature. Why is that the case for some? Why do they feel the need to contemplate a spiritual side? What put that there in the first place? What reasoning is behind your dislike of spiritualness so much, leaving aside the JWs. And I am not talking about a person being a enthusiast of a religion but rather their connection to a greater being, a oneness of all.

    Considered response welcomed


  • Satanus
    Such an examination is defined as having proceeded from half a bottle of Saki!

    Well, that's spiritual.


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Spirituality is nothing more than emotional well being.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    I think we are all here to learn wisdom from our fellow-terrestrians and make sense of it for ourselves and put it back out so that fellow-terrestrians can benefit. Hopefully we all can honor our Creator in the process.

  • MsMcDucket

    My ying yang is out of whack!

    I'm in search of something. I don't know what? I've hit some sort of brick wall since last year. The death of my mother, my husband's illnesses (heart attack and severe anemia), me with an decreased immune system (thyroid disorder, diabetes, lymphocytosis, etc. . .). If my mother was alive, she'd say "you better get right with God".

    Anyway, whatever, I'm just hanging in there!

    Oh yeah! There's a disturbance in the force on this board! A lot of people hating each other! Can't you feel it?

    So far, it seems that the lover's of goodness (mankind) are holding the lady of liberty and justice on their side, but it's wobbling.

    Imagine a world filled with haters. Whew! The thought is frightening!

  • JamesThomas

    "Spirituality" is word that the mind has created that can point to a reality other than the mind's making.

    There is that which never changes, no matter life's circumstance, beliefs, health, or emotions. It is closer than all definable things. Find that.


  • skeptic1914

    Even when I was active as a JW, I considered spirituality to be connectedness to God, a genuine relationship with God. It has NOTHING to do with religion and in fact is difficult to achieve in a works-oriented religion like JW. The Scriptural concept in Gal 2:20 about Christ "living in" the believer is the essence of what I'm talking about. Two of my best friends are former JW and, to me, they are living examples of people who are spiritual, who are "connected" to God. They have joined a small community church (in fact he is now the pastor) and their lives are dedicated to advancing the gospel in their area. They are happy and radiate love and the fruit of the Holy Spirit in a way they never did as JW. It is a beautiful thing to see.


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