The "power" of positive you believe in it?
by onacruse 69 Replies latest jw friends
Of course, I do!
avng and fmw, details?
btw, there was nothing in my post, because I am reflecting on personal experiences, and recent conversations.
Absolutly!!..I was out of beer yesterday..So I thought,I`m positivly going to the General Store and buy some beer..You know what happened?..I got beer in my fridge now!!..Bwa-ha-ha-ha!..I`m gonna try the same thing with Scotch..LOL!!...OUTLAW
Well, positive thinking has been linked to positive health.
Frannie Banannie
I've seen it work. While magnets are an example of opposites being attracted to each other, I've seen positive attitudes attract positive results, more than a few times.
I also read somewhere that birds' songs in the springtime, which are much more joyful and exuberant than in other seasons, is what triggers growth in nature. And haven't we all heard at one time or other that playing music (hopefully not D&D type music) for plants causes them to flourish?
Positive thinking dosen`t always work..One of my cats died,so I planted it hopeing to grow more cats..It didn`t work...OUTLAW
The "power" of positive you believe in it?
I might believe in it, but I'm not really sure.
Sure seems like an awful lot of effort, and it probably won't work anyway.
But yeah, maybe, ............ or maybe not.
BTW, it's taken me three days to fugure out why you've been calling me "asinac"
I almost PM'd you yesterday, to ask what it meant. But I decided to give it another day.
Hmmm, is it a joke that I forgot? is it something spelled backwards? Is it an anagram?
But now I get it.
And I'm feeling pretty dense right now too....