The "power" of positive you believe in it?

by onacruse 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse

    Have any of you read The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne?

    I've read just a smidgeon here and there, and it comes across (to me) with thoughts like this (Quoting a Bob Doyle):

    Some people have an easier time with little things, and so we sometimes say start with something small, like a cup of coffee. Make it your intention to attract a cup of coffee today.

    So, is this the "power" of positive thinking (projected), or perhaps just a matter of personal empowerment (enacted)?

    There's something here that I just can't put my finger on.

  • hillary_step


    I think a regime of postive thinking is a form of self-hypnosis and in that I am a great believer though it is against my bleak, black nature to do so. Sportsman use this form of self-hypnosis effectively and it has been scientifically justified.

    My wife is a living example of the benefits of positive thinking. I have never known her after almost twenty years of marriage ever be depressed beyond the hour, and as she looks for the good in people and situations, she generally finds what she is looking for.

    Best regards - HS

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Have any of you read The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne?

    No I have not read this, but I saw her interviewed by Oprah, along with similar inspirational speakers.

    To me it just seemed like she was putting a mystical, sensational spin on a basic fact.

    Bacically, you get what you attract. And you need to pay attention to what you are attracting.

    If your negative, you will tend to attract other negative people, cuz the positive people think your a drag, and your gonna stay negative.

    If your a giver, you will attract takers and or users.

    If your idea of the world is poverty and desperation, then guess what? That's all your life is gonna be filled with.

    Or maybe I misunderstood "the secret"

  • onacruse

    HS, I share the same sentiments about Kate as you express about your wife, though she and I haven't been married for as long as you and yours.

    But you, for the first time in this thread, bring up the term "self-hypnosis." I have no doubt that you knew before posting back that I was thinking, at least peripherally, about the same "mind-set" as being a JW.

    However! struggle against it as I do, I'm willing to consider the possibility that, despite my negative feelings about positive thinking (per se), there might, just might, be something to it, beyond the bounds of what I'm comfortable with, and which transcends my JW experience and my own personal "safety zone."

  • Jim_TX

    I think that there may be a variety of definitions of 'positive thinking' - and its' power.

    I believe in thinking positively - when I can... and have had good results.

    I also try to stay from those who are 'negative' - as they will try to suck any 'positive' energies from an individual.

    Not sure if this makes any sense... I have been teaching this to my wife - and she also is a believer in the benefits of 'positive' thinking - and attitudes.

    One reason I am not keen on 'negative' people is that I was raised in a 'negative' environment. An example of this...

    I wanted to design, build and market flashing LEDs when I was a teen. (I actually built a few 'prototypes' that worked, too.) Instead of encouraging me (positive energy), all I got from my own family (siblings) were comments like "Who would buy that?" or "What happens when the battery runs down?" or "That's stupid!" or "That's dumb!"

    Well... I didn't pursue this direction. Nowadays, what do you see all around you? Flashing LED products. What happens when the batteries run down? Who cares? By that time they are ready to be tossed - or can be replaced.

    Anyway - there have been many 'negative' influences in my life, until I realized what it was - and now will 'shun' any negativity - if possible.

    This may not be what you were describing...


    Jim TX

  • onacruse

    afourdimensionalobjectisnotathreedimensionalobject: (roflmao...hit me on the head next time we meet!)

    To me it just seemed like she was putting a mystical, sensational spin on a basic fact.

    I saw that show, and that's how I "feel" too.

  • hillary_step


    I wanted to design, build and market flashing LEDs when I was a teen. (I actually built a few 'prototypes' that worked, too.) Instead of encouraging me (positive energy), all I got from my own family (siblings) were comments like "Who would buy that?" or "What happens when the battery runs down?" or "That's stupid!" or "That's dumb!"

    That is the difference between an successful entrepeneur and an unsuccessful one. Not the negative influence, the reaction to it.

    A person trained in the art of positive thinking would take the negative comments, re-focus if need be and learn from them. The negative comments would actually serve their good, not destroy their creativity.

    I am not that type of person, but I have seen them in action and nothing stops them from developing what they know that they are capable of doing and being.

    Cheers - HS

  • jst2laws

    Can I drop in for a minute?

    How you doing Craig? As usual you are thinking. That's what it is all about, THINKING. Not just 'positive' but all thinking has power. A person with dominantly negative thoughts disproportionately attracts negative events into their lives. The same is true of a person with positive thoughts. For example, if you go into a public place angry, depressed or anxious, you will more likely interact with angry, depressed or anxious people. And going into the public with the opposite frame of mind will get like results. It's called by modern philosophers the 'law of attraction'.

    Since quantum physics has been proving for almost 100 years in sub-atomic particle experiments that the observer influences the outcome of the experiment, it is no great philosophical leap to assume our thoughts/consciousness can influence our experience.

    But it is not just positive thoughts. It is ALL thoughts. As for as your experience with your friend with positive thoughts that turned sour for you, he 'intended' the results. Was he very sure he would make money? Did it work? But have you considered what your thoughts were throughout? These things are complicated and cannot be expected to reflect black and white cause and affect but decades of tests have shown the 'power' of thought/intention.


    Hello HS. What you say about your wife made me smile. How are you both doing?

  • Narkissos

    I believe "positive thinking" is, usually, a powerful oxymoron...

  • anewme

    I used to think I could do anything I really wanted to do. I had alot of self confidence.

    I was determined to accomplish some things and did.

    Looking back, the Power of Positive Thinking has aided me to achieve some wonderful goals.

    Its about time I put it to work again in my life.

    Really good topic!



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