People that I work with on the job think I'm such a nice person. I guess we all try to show to others our good side. In public I try as best I can to conduct myself in a better than civilised form and fashion. If you ever really got to know me, however, you'd come to some pretty hard to face facts. I'm not that nice of a person, if you were to see the real me, the one who's often selfish, has lude desires. Although being nice is probably preferable to being a real a_ _ hole, would you rather that the person your having dealings with just let you know up front, " Hey, I'm a _ _ _ khead and you should steer clear of me and anyone like me?
Does your niceness be lie your evilness?
by prophecor 14 Replies latest jw friends
If people close to you think you're a nice person, maybe you are a nice person, and you're not giving yourself the credit you deserve?
I think we all do things we regret, some selfish acts and lude thinking doesn't make you a bad person. -
proph - maybe its the fact you recognise your faults that makes you not innately evil. Like zico says I think you are down on yourself. Lusty thoughts are biologically generated for procreation of the human race. You can't help them. So long as you don't act on them indiscriminately!
We all have our good and bad side (and what is good and bad may differ from culture to culture and for even the same person at different times in his life) the point is how well we manage to control the bad side so we don't harm people that never harmed us. Otherwise there will always be temptations to take someone's woman, steal, vex others out of jealousy etc
i don't know if there is such a thing as a truly nice person or a truly nasty one, to other people we are just what we seem to be so who really can ever know what anyone really is on the inside. i think a 'nice' person can do 'bad' things and a 'nasty' person can do 'good' ones. point being, we are what we are, if you want to seem nice then seem it, if you want to seem nasty then seem that, bottom line only you will know what you are on the inside, and a lot of the time, even you, the person who seems to be something and thinks they know what they are, might not fully know their nature because there are always ways to push and prod people into the unknown, in my opinion that's how we develop, by being forced to explore our behaviour.
When I was working, I was able to get along with people. Many times, I was in charge of people. I hated when people tried to make nice with me or be my friend. I remember having to set one co-worker straight on this. I had reprimanded her for her behavior. She comes up to me all funky and says "I thought you were my friend.". I'm like, I'm not your friend I'm your "co-worker". That bleepity bleep went ballistic, and started rolling her neck and acting silly. I just let her know how it was, called my boss and said I'm sending her home, and then I sent her home.
I get along with mostly everyone when I'm working, but they don't know that I'm a loner. I don't want to hang out. I don't want to go over to their houses and I don't want them in mine. I don't like to talk on the phone either. If you call me, you better have something to say 'cause I am not going to carry the conversation. There will be dead space and then I'm going to say "I have to let you go".
I guess it comes from being the 7th daughter and the 10th child out of 13 children. I like having a place to myself, but my grandson is kind of running things now. It'll work for a few more years. . .
But like I said, I'm a loner.
I guess any kind of social life would be impossible without everyone putting up some sort of "nice front" -- if only basic courtesy. Which makes absolute moral condemnation of "hypocrisy" (in the etymological sense, wearing a mask as ancient drama actors did) a bit delusional, or at least shortsighted.
But what niceness represses will have to be expressed somewhere and somehow. And in many situations if we don't express it (because we are excessively afraid of conflicts, for example) someone else will have to.
What I don't believe, however, is that someone's "bad" side is necessarily "truer" or "deeper" than his "good" one because it is sometimes "hidden". A guilt trip often imposed, for instance, on children who are deemed to be "nice" with strangers and "evil" at home. Nobody is as simple as social play has him/her appear, that's all. Acknowledging our own diversity, however shattering it may be to our imaginary self-representation, is a difficult yet necessary thing to do.
Miss Manners says she wishes more people would be like that - pleasant and respectful, cheerful with others. Everyone varies depending on events, mood, blood sugar, history, etc. and it is just a kindness to others to be pleasant no matter how you feel inside. It's mature not to unload your darker feelings on others. I wish I could remember that in traffic. I've taken to saluting other drivers - might get myself shot one of these days. However, back to the topic. Work isn't the same as your social life, and people who make that mistake often confuse boundaries, usually by wanting you to do something you shouldn't for their benefit. I am nice and friendly, but people are often surprised when they try to wheedle me into something I shouldn't do, just because it would benefit them. I interrupt them to say, I don't tell lies for anyone, or that's against the law. I just keep repeating the flat statement - and it's funny how mad people get when they can't get their selfish way. It's also amazing to me how MANY people think others should break the law for them.
People that I work with on the job think I'm such a nice person. I guess we all try to show to others our good side. In public I try as best I can to conduct myself in a better than civilised form and fashion. If you ever really got to know me, however, you'd come to some pretty hard to face facts. I'm not that nice of a person, if you were to see the real me, the one who's often selfish, has lude desires.
The very fact that you are willing to describe your weaknesses as such says volumns about yourself.
Although being nice is probably preferable to being a real a_ _ hole, would you rather that the person your having dealings with just let you know up front, " Hey, I'm a _ _ _ khead and you should steer clear of me and anyone like me?
If everyone knows the rules of engagement, then it would then be a fault of the other person for getting associated with you if you tell them this about yourself. But I find it hard to believe that you are this all the time and this bad.
WOW...I love when I saw this topic. Many people I work with think I'm the nicest, kindest person. I am but I hide my evil side very well. But I'm only evil or mean to those that deserve it. And alot of my evil thoughts are kept within meaning I dont act on it...but boy do I have some evil thoughts sometimes.