by themonster123 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • themonster123

    Hello everyone. I'm totally new to this...so it's nice to be on here-quite an interesting site. Well, I'm a 22-year old girl. I seriously just stopped being a Witness like this past month. My Mom and brother are WItnesses. My other brother and Dad aren't. O man, I don't know where to start....well basically I stopped going to meetings for a couple months and it really allowed me some time to THINK in a non-Witness environment (if you go to meetings three times a week, only hang out with WItnesses, go to assemblies all the time, and go out in service a lot, you're CONSTANTLY in that environment-gives you no time to question it....) I'm still in sad-mode, meaning I've decided not to hang out with my Witness girlfriends anymore...actually it's kind of mutual between me and them...

    There are a lot of reasons I left...too many to even list, but the wrong dates over the years all gave me a red flag. Not only that, growing up as a Witness in a divided household I really had to stand up for what I believed against my dad when I was about 16 and he was being really strict about me not being a witness. Now I'm in my early 20s, still living at home, but just....so unsure about it all! When I was baptized at 18, sure, I believed it wholeheartedly, but the whole "Do you accept Jesus Christ as your living savior and accept this organization as the only living mouthpiece of Jehovah" (or whatever they ask you at baptism) a little....much... When you get baptized, you have to "repent of your sins to God," but what is the deal with that!? I live an everyday life. I don't believe in having a relationship with Jesus and/or God who live in some other dimension! it seems like bologna.

    Right now, they're studying the Revelation book again in bookstudy. My elder kept saying in all his talks, "We've studied this book before over the years, but we have to ask ourselves...Will this be the last time? WILL this be the last time?" True, it scares me to hear talks like that, but I'm really trying to stay strong in my decision to not be a Witness.

    In a world of 6 billion people, how can only 6 million + be right? What about some guy living in the jungles of AFrica who's never heard of Jehovah's Witnesses? WHat's his fate at "Armageddon?" My brother told me, "Well, it'll be like in Noah's day when only him and his family lived and everyone else died." But....I don't know IF I EVEN BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE!!! Then my other brother told me, "What are the chances that Noah's ark even happened? THat would mean tha ALL the animals in the WORLD would have to fit into that ark. And that ark was smaller than a lot of ships we have TODAY..."

    Anywayanyway anyway....I"m totally going on and on..but I thought this would be a good forum for me to come and let some of my very new non-witness self out and maybe get some support!!! I would appreciate any feedback or questions or whatever. :)

  • Chameleon


    hang out for a while; you may learn a new thing or two.

  • Priest73

    Welcome. Loads of smart folk on this board.

  • nvrgnbk

    Welcome tm123,

    Will this be the last time? WILL this be the last time?"

    They've been asking questions like that for over 100 years. It's a trick one plays on one's self to stay motivated.

    Sounds like you might like this recent thread about the flood:


    Have fun and take care,


  • What-A-Coincidence

    Welcome to freedom from mind control! Question: Are you in Cali?

    Anyway..I suggest my clients to read Steve Hassans book: http://www.amazon.com/Combatting-Cult-Mind-Control-Best-selling/dp/0892813113

    Dr. Wac

  • averyniceguy

    Welcome to the board! Where are you from?

  • snowangel

    hey, our stories are kinda similar...I'm 23 and recently stopped going to meetings. Although I was coerced into baptism at a much younger age of 12. I had a divided household growing up, my Dad was an athiest.

    It's difficult to dismiss teachings that you've been taught your entire life, it really messes with your head sometimes. But, I've been away from the organization for almost a year now, and I couldn't be happier. My advice is to just do what makes you happy, and thank god (pun intended) that you've started to think for yourself.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Themonster123,

    We are happy to have you here!! I bet your Dad and brother are thrilled. You will make many new friends here. You sound like you are using the questioning ability God gave you..good for you! Take your time and don't feel like you have to have it all figured out overnight. You mentioned you weren't even sure if you believed in the Bible. Alot of friends here have abandoned the idea of God, and the Bible, but many have not. I hope you don't "throw the baby out with the bathwater" so to speak. You mentioned the whole flood incident, I believe in the flood, but I no longer believe it was global. You are right about getting every creature on the ark..it doesn't seem possible. Alot of ones discredit the Bible because of the fossil records..but I feel there was a prehistoric life before Adam and Eve. There certainly isn't anything to say that that isn't a possibility. So.. I believe science and the Bible can fit together. However, you need to come to your own conclusions about things. I am sure there will be those that disagree with me. But that is the beauty of this forum. We are all friends, yet we don't have to have the same opinion to remain friends. We agree to disagree. (Something that is foriegn in the organization.) So.. again we are happy to have you here, and really look forward to hearing alot more from you.

  • Kudra

    Welcome monster (???!)

    You sound EXACTLY like myself when I was leaving- I grew up in a divided household (mom JW, dad non) and my sister didn't take to the "truth" but I got baptized at 18, aux pioneered, never quite bought into many things but tried to "make the truth my own" etc blah, blah.

    I really admire what you are doing- are you in college? That would help you get an objective perspective on spirituality and the world at large. I found distancing myself from the meetings and moving out of town helped a lot too. That might not be some thing you can do at this point, but just make sure to stay true to yourself and not be bent by the whims of others.

    Best of luck to you!


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Snowangel,

    We want to welcome you to the forum too!!! We are glad to have you here, and are happy to hear you are happy and well after your first year out!! It feels good to use your brain doesn't it?? We look forward to hearing more from you!!


    Lady Liberty

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