Welcome Themonster - keep reading and investigating and you will soon find there is actually nothing to be afraid of at all. You've left the only thing that could have kept you in a non-life.
And the only scary thing about this is:
Right now, they're studying the Revelation book again in bookstudy. My elder kept saying in all his talks, "We've studied this book before over the years, but we have to ask ourselves...Will this be the last time? WILL this be the last time?" True, it scares me to hear talks like that, but I'm really trying to stay strong in my decision to not be a Witness.
...if its not the last time there is a real risk of millions now living dropping dead of sheer boredom. Jeez I remember studying this incomprehensible irrelevant drivel when I was 14!
Good to have you here and lets hope your mum and other sibling/s arent far behind so you can be a proper family with similar goals!
Welcome to snowangel too!