Think about this: Why is it that civilization in Central-America and even in Egypt once day jump out of the jungle/desert and boom - pyramids that rival anything built? How did the ancients in Central-America with no concept of the wheel lift 40ton+ rocks without pulleys/cranes, or transport them? Why is it that cocaine residue has been found on Egyptian mummies, yet cocaine only grows in Central-America? No records exist with trade between the two cultures, yet these buildings go up almost simultaniously. Why is it when you look at these cultures, especially the Central American cultures and technology that it is almost like they skipped steps A, and B, and boom, arrived at C. It would be like you, the engineer, giving your child the answer, but never how to arrive at the solution. Think about that for a second. How could these primitive cultures cut stones so perfect that the gap between each stone is 1/200th of an inch! Corners are not broken which means that the stones were not dragged. The angles on the corners are perfect 90 degrees, rivals a laser transit. While all the time they only had simple copper tools? Yea right...
I for one have and NEVER will believe the assertion that past generations were less intelligent than we are now. The fact that the Romans buit roads that are still inuse yet ours need to be rebuilt every few decades in addition to the quote above prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I believe that religion has caused us to regress. For example: can you imagine where we'd be if we hadn't gone through the dark ages? In my belief the people of old were much like we are now. The intervening years of Jewish, Christian and Islamic (etc) religion have retarded our growth as a species. Like a pendelum on a clock we have now swung back the other way because the ways advocated by religion have only proven to be a detrement and people are starting to wake up and realize this.
Regardless of whether you believe in UFO's or angels there is life out there somewhere. We cannot be alone. If you believe in evolution then the causes that allowed us to evolve must have been reproduced somewhere else. The universe is afterall infinite and if the odds of us evolving are so astronomical (as the JW creation book claims) then logic dictates that Earth cannot be the only example of this type of evolution happening.
To me it doesn't matter if there are angels or UFO's out there. That's irrelevant. What matters is our growth as a species. We need to shed all those doctrines that hold us back and advance into the future together. The sad part is that most people feel this can't be done. This however is a lie, one spread to halt our progress. JW's like to claim that mankind cannot solve it's problems. This is simply NOT TRUE! It's not that we cannot, it's that we will not. And that's because too many of us are still beholden to these backwards concepts and beliefs that they refuse to shed.
I believe there is life of some sort out there and I hope that all these unexplained "UFO" sightings and mysterious events are an attempt to make us realize that there are bigger and more important things out there than the infantile concepts that most people are curerently enslaved to would have us believe. Having this knowledge given to us would be a mistake. Only by discovering it for ourselves can we truely progress and advance.