If you have any KM's for 2006 , I'd be interested.
How did you dispose of your JW books? (Or did you?)
by exwitless 46 Replies latest watchtower bible
I left them in a pile of garbage and durned if they didn't blend in well...
Big fire at my parents' for most.
I just finally threw out another plastic bag full - the last of them. I'd forgotten I had a few copies of the Jesus book (omg, I can't even remember the name! The healing is coming along nicely!!), a couple songbooks, the Reasoning book and one of my kids' mini-bibles. I felt a *twinge* of guilt at throwing out their bible, just in case they wanted it. But then I thought "over my dead body they'll read that fake bible" and tossed it. It all went into the non-recycle trash that day. A JW is our trashman. hehe
We recycled them. My husband's mouth dropped open when he read the "family" booked so he saved that one for the fire.
I boxed them all up and had hubby bring them to the town dump. I had 30 years of books, Yearbooks, magazines, tracts, brochures, calendars; the whole shebang.
I AM sorry that I threw out some of the "study" aids (books), the Concordance, the Interlinear, the Insight books and the Proclaimers book. They would have come in handy for "research" to use AGAINST the WTS....hahaha!
Frannie Banannie
Mine (bound volumes from the beginning, Aid Book, lot of old books, including the "Finished Mystery" book that Russell started, then Rutherford "tweaked" to his own satisfaction.) all went in the round file, marked "86 'em."
Gregor-makes me really wish I had a fireplace!
For a few of you who've asked: I don't have any KMs. Just the KM hardcover book.
I have the WT bound volumes for 1984, 1988, and 1990 (only because someone gave them to us when we were first assimilated.) Also not mentioned before, I have the "Proclaimers" book.
I also have 2 more newly released books: What Does the Bible Really Teach? and Live With Jehovah's Day in Mind.
Burn baby Burn!!!!!
Unfortunately, we did not think about protecting the innocent and we dumped them at the local recycling center. I still feel guilty because I hope that no one found them and took them home.
The vast majority went in the trash.
I saved a few choice selections to remind me why I can never ever go back.