After having been taught for so many years that one's existence is tied to an imortal being that wants us to not act like the animals we are, and that we only have meaning in relation to His existence, its difficult to face the reality that we are born to die. We cannot fathom the fact that this life is all there is despite the physical facts as we know them, entropy of all there is. To give up a tribal book with all its interpretations of future life is too much when the option of eternal dissolution is the reality.
This statement is exactly the point as to why I am tired of these arguements.
Please PROVE to me that we are just born to die.
Please PROVE to me that the Bible is just a Tribal book. Intellectuals say that they go by facts but after looking at many I have come to the conclusion that they are the same victims of faith as everyone else. They say that they are open and honest yet they ASSUME that any book that is religious MUST be making it up because they were not there to see it. The universe is a wonderous place and you are telling me that all of this is just here for no reason? Have you been around for the last two thousand years to varify that the Bible is just a tribal book? Have any on this board actually been to the center of the universe at the time of beginning to see if it was just a big explosion? Have you visited every star, every galaxy, every solar system? Where you there to talk to the people who wrote the book to see if it was fake? Were you there to see the first protein form with another to say for absolute certain that macro evolution is a fact that cannot be disputed? When all the trees, grass, bushes and shrubs were formed, were you there to observe to confirm that it all 'Just happned?'
How does light work? How does the body heal itself? How does the earth stay in orbit around the sun? Man does not have all the answers to these questions let alone trying to come to a conclusion as to whether it all just happened. Were you there the 3500 years that the Bible was being written? Were you there to eyewitness that all the events were just fake? Can you say for certain that the things in the Bible cannot be done? Scientists have managed to recreate some affects which David Hume in his day would have considered impossible (such as seperating water an event which they have coined the Moses effect.)
I intend no disrespect but...
To say that some 3 billion people are wrong when they say that have a relationship with God and it is all delusional, to say that the universe something so grand an large in scale just happend despite never leaving earth, to say that life has no meaning and that we are all here just to die when you do not know what happens after death requries an arrogance beyond belief.
Again I appoligize to any I offened.