I was just starting to think, they removed religion from schools and public areas and jobs. Whats next? the removal of everyone who believes in God or some high power? To me, if im going to be removed from what I believe, Im going to defend myself and there is no question "what would jesus do" because he was perfect in every way and ill never have what he had and im not him.
War on religion some day?
by Spirit Axal 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
war on religion was very common in the whole history of humankind. even gods nation israel fought wars against other nations because of their different believes.
the war you mean (ban on all religions in the whole world) is going to happen soon in JW believe. its the last sign before gods war of armageddon. it could trigger civil wars and national wars troughout the world in my opinion.
actually i dont feel like its happening in the next years.
i dont see any power in the world whichs unity and power is high enough to speak out such a ban. i guess this is only possible in dictatorship. imagine a ban on religion in the united states...
nevertheless i think it WILL come one day. the bad influences of religion are visible. but i also think no ban will be successful... at least as long as the human mind doesnt change greatly in the future. nevertheless the jw doctrine says the bible only says that the politics seperate themselves from any religion and ban it. it does not say in will be effective as long as i know.
when its happening (in our time) it will be a hard time for many ex-jw, because it triggers that "and what if it is all right?"-feeling. -
Nope. You can`t "ban" something which is a part of human nature. Unfortunately, religion is steaming ahead like never before. The communists knew how to deal with religious people (and royalty), but communism is dead. The jw-belief that "they" (whoever "they" are) would eventually "ban all religion" is, was, and always will be a completely bizarre aspect of their religion, and just goes to show how little they really understand about the world.
I think it is more likely that a substitute religion will be created that will demand loyalty to itself. It may be similar to the Roman emperor that demanded to be worshipped as a god and required all to acknowledge him upon the pain of death. Paul speaks of "the man of lawlessness" who will "oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshipped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple proclaiming himself to be God. (2 Thess. 2:4)
Spirit Axal:
I was just starting to think, they removed religion from schools and public areas and jobs. Whats next? the removal of everyone who believes in God or some high power? To me, if im going to be removed from what I believe, Im going to defend myself and there is no question "what would jesus do" because he was perfect in every way and ill never have what he had and im not him.
Relax there. Nobody's trying to take your religion away. The reason that most modern societies have restrictions on religion in "schools and public areas and jobs" is not to stop you having your religion, but to protect it. Instead of sulking and wishing that your religion was favoured by your employer or government, imagine what it would be like if they favoured someone else's religion instead. What if your children were expected to pray to Allah during school time, if you were expected to burn incense for Buddha in your workplace or you had to swear on the Satanic Bible in court?
The great thing about civilisation is that your right to believe whatever silly fairy-tales you want is securely protected, but other people's right not to have those beliefs foisted on them receives equal protection. That way, only a small-minded self-involved bigoted moron could have any cause for complaint.
My dub family almost clap their hands with delight when the TV speaks of another issue of state v religion "There you are ! they say, proof that the attack on religion is coming, just as we said"
I can see the other side of the coin though. As many posters have said , religion flourishes all around the globe. Many of the issues are extreme points fought by zealots on both sides . A more secular society might create limits but that is a far cry from "The beast turning on the harlot"
I couldn't believe whenever GW started giving billions of dollars of tax money to the faith based initiatives . I've always been against religion in politics or in public schools . I agree with funkyderek for a change, that the freedom of religion means the government can't pick and chose which rituals to allow so that in the end you would have moslems wanting to bow and pray in the middle of the school day or you'd have buhdists wanting their idols in prominent places just like the cross or other stupid crap religionists can possibly think . What you do in your own home or at a church is your own buisness . I do feel that the court battles will end up with some government repercussions because of the exspense and time in court over this issue . That is our tax money after all .....
War on religion some day?
We can only hope
Actually I just hope we can grow as a species past the crutch of religion.
part of me wishes we could rid the planet of religion, like an illness, the other part thinks simply that someday the necessity for it in people's lives will be outgrown and we can just move forward as a people on a planet. i think a war on religion could only be won if the enemy was knowledge and enlightenment.