A freind of mine (over the internet) has been debating with me about whether or not I will go to hell.
Being the great freind he is, he says I am absolutely bound for hell, simply because I don't believe in god anymore.
John 3:16,17 says something or other about only people believing will be saved or somesuch.
I personally think, that even if god does exist, he would take into consideration my life circumstances, my personal view on the world (which is pretty good. I hold every life in the highest regard, I try my best to make others happy), and maybe cut me some slack.
Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,
Eph 2:9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Will I go to hell?
by Anony-Mouse 27 Replies latest jw friends
No, you will not. The bible god may stamp his feet and insist, but somewhere out there, beyond his petty vengeance, is a God that deserves the title. He doesn't have any desire to torture anyone.
Will you go to hell? Hell no!
This freind of mine is looking for more than just your word on it.
He's really picky (it's news to me!) about this, and wants proof from the bible or something. Logic doesnt cut it for him, lol.
I've never had a freind so determined to proove I'm going to hell!
I think the entire situation is hilarious, but thats just me. -
Hey WAC, who's that guy laying with you in your avatar?
don't u remember??? 10 years ago before you grew a beard???
Well you will be judged by your standard. So you can just applie your own standard to yourself. Will you find yourself sinfull? Do you allways do what is good? Do you ever did something bad knowing it is bad? So if your argument is "I have done meny good deeds", then question, how meny good deeds compensate one bad deed (say killing a person)? If you can come up with some numerical answer then you can applie it to yourself and see if you fit for hell or for Paradise? For Paradise you have to be crystal clear! As water is clean only if it does not have poison. And it does not matter if water has 90% or 1% poison. So you can test yourself against clean standard - God's standard. But just for sake of argument, can you come up with some moral standard which you will pass? Where the standard allows in principle going to hell. Just a thought game! But be sure, anyone who is going to hell will be there coz they deserve it, not because of some mistake!
Why not ask your friend to prove that hell even exists.
According to South Park, everybody except the Mormons will be going to hell.