Bernadette - On the 'not reporting side', I left my younger sibling in a home where he was regularly kicked by my father. He was emotionally abused and regularly attacked by my hysterical mother. I had also suffered at their hands. I did not report them. I was afraid of the Congregation, Shunning and the consequences of 'saving' my sibling.
I still see a counsellor and so does my sibling.
Was I wrong not to report? Absolutely wrong and I remain ashamed. However, I was paralysed with fear. I have to forgive myself, or what would I do?
However, the real blame is not with me and I will put the blame where it really belongs. Any child brought up from birth in the Jehovah's Witness sect is likely to be mentally and emotionally damaged and unable to act to protect itself from anything for FEAR of the monster JEHOVAH and bringing 'reproach' on his name.
The fault likes with the Watchtower Society and the perpetrators of such abuse. Those so weak minded that they cannot empathise with the suffering of a child and actually see that what they are doing is Bad and wrong.