Any reaction from Jehovah's Witnesses over the Evil Foster mother case?

by Gill 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gill

    Moshe - It would be 'good' and serve a purpose, if some JWs would begin to actually think about their beliefs and the consequences of their beliefs on their children.

  • Clam
    He reckoned Satan had influenced the Media to do that.

    Good old Satan. Once again he goes up in my estimations - helping to expose child abuse by cult members.

    I see this "sister" has made the Silent Lambs Hall of Fame also.

  • bernadette

    when one is in the situation its nigh on impossible to be rational - as when you are witnessing abuse and are related to the abuser. Glad you and your sibling are getting help.

    However nowadays people are more enlightened about these issues and more family members are reporting. Hopefully it can only get better with more light being thrown on it

    Organisations on the other hand are culpable.

    Also JW teachings make a bad situation much worse because their teachings and way of going about it is abusive in itself. On top of that they discourage seeking outside professional help and encourage secretiveness.

  • Mary
    he was disgusted by it, though he did say he thought it unfair that the Media had revealed that she was a JW, because 'they wouldn't have done that if it was any other religion' He reckoned Satan had influenced the Media to do that.

    Yep. My father came up with the exact same excuse recently when a Professor out in Western Canada specifically said that the scriptures that the Witnesses use forbidding blood transfusions is talking about dietary laws and the proper handling of food. Even the most Orthodox Jews do not interpret the scriptures to mean anything else but dietary. Since this is a logical conclusion and the Witnesses have no rebuttal for their defense, they always rely on their ability to blame Satan for controlling the media. My father said "..Satan's going to make sure that this stays in the newspapers."

    As for the media announcing that this sick abusing woman was a Jehovah's Witness, I see no problem with that. For a religion that claims they are the ONLY ones who have the Truth, that they are the happiest people on earth and that you can only gain salvation by joining them, then they have alot to live up to I'd say. The Witnesses never fail to gleefully mock other religions who have members who commit crimes. Satan is never mentioned then....I wonder why.

    While this sort of horror can happen in any religion, I think it's yet another example of what kinds of people the WTS attracts.

  • Gill

    'Satan' is the only defense that the Witnesses have over this case.

    It must be Satan's fault that the media mentioned Eunice Spry is a Jehovah's Witness.

    It must be Satan's fault that this is still in the newspapers and on the media all over the world.

    Surely, in Watchtower parlay, Satan is 'appearing as an angel of light' by revealing these dark and dismal secrets of Jehovah's Witness members.

  • fokyc

    A simple answer is,

    YES but I can say no more than that at this time.


  • sandy

    I love it how they cry when the JW name is attached to the bad deeds but are so happy and proud when it is attached to the good.

    They are total hypocrites!

  • undercover

    Has this story made it across the big pond to US newspapers, radio and TV?

    I'd love to see some local JW reactions to the story.

  • hubert

    I commend the Elders for contacting the authorities when one of the victims finally spoke up.

    But earlier, one of the abused victims was made to wear a sign IN THE HALL that said "This child is evil because she wets the bed".


    But, because it happened in a J.W.Hall, it was accepted as "normal practice".

    I go to a Catholic church, and I'm sure that if a child was made to wear a sign in church saying this child was evil, the priest or a church member would have confronted the parent or guardian about it, and would have alerted the proper authorities if nothing was resolved. I believe this would be the case for all Christiandom churches as well.

    This act alone should show non-j.w.'s that there is something wrong with the logic of j.w. upbringing.


  • sf
    It would be 'good' and serve a purpose, if some JWs would begin to actually think about their beliefs and the consequences of their beliefs on their children.

    Yes, a purpose. It WOULD be good IF and WHEN they start considering how the consequences OF these beliefs, manifested into POLICIES THAT KILL, and the effects on OTHER children besides their own.

    But wait! They don't even do THAT; CARE ABOUT THE EFFECTS ON THEIR OWN CHILDREN. How silly of me.

    [[ Please refer to one of THE most insane and death-depicting pieces of litter-ature the Almighty Watchtower Book Publishing Corporation ever released on it's most innocent 'members'.."FROM PARADISE LOST, TO PARADISE REGAINED" ]] :



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