But earlier, one of the abused victims was made to wear a sign IN THE HALL that said "This child is evil because she wets the bed". THIS SHOULD HAVE RUNG ALARM BELLS !!!!
Oh Christ....I missed that part. So the old witch sticks a sign like this on her kid at the Hall and no one bats an eyelash? Good lord.....If I had been there, I would have written down her license plate (assuming she drove), phoned the police with her address and tell them that there's a really good chance that this woman is a child abuser and that they better check it out.
Several years ago at my old Hall, there were a husband and wife who both nuts and we knew that they were beating their son. My one girlfriend and I told the elders who did absolutely nothing. So my girlfriend phoned the Child Welfare Office and reported them. The elders made a b-line for my girlfriends' house and told her that they were "under obligation to disclose to the parents who reported it". She informed them that no they were not and if they did, she would have them charged. She further informed them that under Ontario laws, that if clergy are aware of child abuse in their congregations or church and they fail to report it, they could be in BIG trouble.
What is it about this damn religion that makes them want to ignore child abuse, whether physical, mental or sexual?