I'm a Liar

by Perry 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    My behavior is contained. Which is all I wanted. Not irritation, which is what I got instead. They had no words of spiritual comfort. So I'm better off the way I am right now. I'm healing, in spite of the "professional counselors", just as I've already reached an age that the surgeons said would be impossible 20 short years ago, when they operated on my head injury, which resulted from a motor vehicle collision.

    If you're choice is the JW way, and all that that entails on your part....and that works for you, then God Bless Ya! I mean this Fred...its OK. I wish the best for you.

  • Perry

    Fred's story is not unusual among JW's. Someone with a lot of problems that seeks releif. His identity rises and falls with with the dictates of WT rules. He is lost in a sea of opinion by elders. In other words, he doesn't have an identity other than the one he interprets from the JW environment, and even then he is kept on edge because as that opinion may change so does his view of himself.

    Fred, I doubt very seriously that you have suffered more than millions of folks who simply stopped getting their identity from humans and simply decided to believe God. Consider:

    2 Corinthians 5 Read This Chapter
    God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

    Ro 8:1 - Show Context
    Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,

    If you would just stop, and accept Christ Jesus' offer of a pardon, you would no longer need to check in with other sinners to find out what you identity is. God himself would pronounce who you are:

    John 14 Read This Chapter
    And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever--
    the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

    As you read this your flesh is repelled by this isn't it? Your mind immediately rushes in and screams "don't believe it, it doesn't apply to you". You have a choice, to believe God or not. God says that if you surrender your will to the Son, that you will have his righteousness.... period. Your transformation then becomes God's problem, not yours. But, you are already righteous.

    But be prepared to leave feeling sorry for yourself behind. God will make you live the life you only dream about. You'lll see in due time. There is no other way.

    God Bless.

    BTW, start your own thread instead of hijacking mine next time!!

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    BTW, start your own thread instead of hijacking mine next time!!

    Or what?

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    to found-my-way:

    I go out for attendance at the 5 meetings per week, for shopping, and for playing pocket billiards once or twice per week. It works for me.

    The "serious lockdown" is my own choice, as was divulging the info that resulted in the elders' rulings over the years. I speak by e-mail and JWD to many, but associate (have common ground) with far fewer. I associate with what I hear at the meetings and in JW's publications. There were actually 4 elders (of the current 6 in the Congregation which I'm assigned to) that were part of the JC. In the 15 months, I could probably count on one hand the number of times that I've approached one of the 4 in relation to my case, 3 of which were in a brief statement in handing an Application for Reinstatement to the then-current Presiding Overseer.

    I don't consider my current experience to be punishment. Rather, I view is as needed training and re-adjustment, in preparation for a life of full-time ministry. I have had peace of mind from the time I went into this latest JC, 15 months ago. There have been slips along the way, which have resulted in grief, but my resolve is firmer than it's ever been. Now that I'm exposing myself, the progress is clearer. If I don't look after myself spiritually by holding myself to account, no-one else can do it for me.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    Faith, Hope, Love ... in thought and in deed, indeed. It works for me.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    Many words, Perry. Few is better for me.

    I'm still new on JWD, so I wish you would have told me earlier. Hijacking isn't good manners.

    I've just started the "Ask Fred E Hathaway a.k.a. Q.Bert" thread at http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/131766/2343640/post.ashx#2343640.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    Now, back to the regular broadcast of "I'm a Liar". Thank you for your patience.

  • astro


    I'm one of the oldies from waaaaaaaaaaay back when.

    I come here from time to time to update myself on the goings on of the JW world.

    Fred H's posts here caught my serious attention.

    If what you write is entirely true,I strongly want to encourage you to get professional help.

    All the spiritual assistance you think you are getting will not ever get to the psychological components needed to become mentally healthy.

    Denial screams from your posts,as you brush off suggestions to get pro assistance.And consistently on a regular basis.You wrote that you haven't interacted with the elders in your case.I believe you wrote less than a handful of times.SO where is this steady consistent working on your issues. I believe you mentioned frotteurism as one of your problems.This takes active work involving people who are trained about this and other issues you face.Continually brushing that aside,thinking all you need is spiritual help is nothing more than 'magical thinking'.Not a healthy coping mechanism by any means.The help you truly need will not be found with untrained men.You wrote it was 'contained'.Contained is not cured nor is it healthy.What contained is is a powder keg that can go off when you least expect it.These uneducated untrained men are not able to teach or coach you in self-exploration or the coping/life skills needed with problems like the above.They cannot help you cognitively or behaviorally in this.

    You mentioned you have been unable to hold a job steadily.All these issues are interconnected and need a pro to assist you in unraveling the tangled ball of abuse in your history.The bible is not a medical treatise and thinking that some mystical spiritual power is going to 'fix' this will not work either.Past behavior is usually a good predictor of future behavior-unless some type of medical/psychological intervention takes place-on a consistent basis.Please re-consider taking active physical steps to address your issues because I fear that old behaviors may return with a vengeance.

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