I'm a Liar

by Perry 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    Jehovah/Jesus know the facts regarding whom they chosen, when, if they remained faithful till death, who was chosen in place of another, ..., until now. That's not my department. I'm just an earthling.

  • jayhawk1

    Clearly Jehovah and Jesus have no idea what they are doing, because they keep needing all these replacements for the heavenly class. It seems their ability to pick good, honest people is flawed. Much like their prophets on earth, flawed God, flawed logic, flawed prophets.

  • vitty
    Clearly Jehovah and Jesus have no idea what they are doing, because they keep needing all these replacements for the heavenly class

    You have forgotten they have to wait to see what the WT says on the matter......................the GB are in charge not Jehovah .........silly

    Fred..............Im not sure that you are genuine, I think you are playing devils advocate, to show how ridiculous the WT organisation really is. I think you are having us all on, and then when we are all spent trying to enlighten you, you will turn round and say "got you "

  • jayhawk1

    My bad, Jehovah and Jesus had to wait 2000 years for the Watchtower to tell them what to do. Now Fred's logic makes more sense! Thanks for clearing that up Vitty.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    Don't bow to me. Jehovah is God of all, as per Matthew 4:10.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?
    So what were you disfellowshipped for Fred? Now tell the truth

    to Junction-Guy: The judicial action was taken to protect the spiritual cleanness of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, and to correct some errors. I didn't want to be a hider or a liar. I still don't.

    Just to remind you of your previous post Q Bert/Fred

    The announcement was NOT that I was no longer one of JWs, but that I was not one of JWs. So, many had thought I was for several years, but it was determined that I had never actually corrected qualified as one of JWs. Thus the announcement. I am treated as if I were disfellowshipped or disassociated, but I am actually still in the process of properly becoming one of JWs. Whether I can actually get to become one, I don't know. Even though I gained a lot from the article I cited from, my fight was with masturbation and pornography and inappropriate touching of others, which is a related set of issues to homosexuality, in that it involves sexual self-control. In my case, this set of issues amounted to an addiction, which I may have finally been given enough strength to overcome, now that some of my closest associates are also living one day at a time being free from various addictions, including gambling, smoking, and illicit drugs. Yes, I still believe it's the truth (=best/freest way of living). I am a 98-99% meeting attender re all 5 meetings, even since before the announcement.


    What have the Jehovah's Witnesses done to help you with your "inappropriate touching of others" issue? What type of professional counseling have they set up? What restrictions did they make to you regarding the congregation and general public?

  • vitty
    The announcement was NOT that I was no longer one of JWs, but that I was not one of JWs. So, many had thought I was for several years, but it was determined that I had never actually corrected qualified as one of JWs. Thus the announcement. I am treated as if I were disfellowshipped or disassociated, but I am actually still in the process of properly becoming one of JWs. Whether I can actually get to become one, I don't know.

    Fred, there is nothing worse than being on the outside, wanting to be in on the inside. Unfortunately, if you do become a JW and people start talking to you............ you will soon realize the organisation does not have "love among themselves". The problems you say you had will not help ! You will be avoided and have no social life. Doesnt it show from how you are being treated now by the "brothers" that it doesnt have Jehovahs spirit?

    You will not recieve love, you will not recieve help, spiritually or phyiscally and it could even send you over the edge mentally. This is not Gods org.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    to Who are you?:

    JWs continue to have 5 Congregation-sponsored meetings at the Kingdom Hall nearby, which I attend religiously. As well, I keep up in reading the literature as it comes in, from cover-to-cover, as I can. Professional counselors are no longer recommended, in my case. I am not to have social conversation with anyone that I know to be currently one of JWs or at any Kingdom Hall.

  • found-my-way
    Professional counselors are no longer recommended, in my case.

    Dear Fred,

    Why is that the case? Have you healed yourself? Have you gotten to the root of why you have your addictions, and why you stepped over the boundaries of others? Fred, I am saying this as a friend, I sense that you have a strong need to belong to a group, and that you feel very isolated and alone....I also suspect that you were abused as a child (as cliche as that may sound), most likely sexually, and or physically.

    I feel much empathy for you, and wish that you would seek counselling with a professional, you would be very surprised at how healing they can be, so that you can move on with your life! Elders are not mental health professionals. I know you are sincere in your beliefs, and your faith. Seeking professional help for your problems will not cancel out your faith.


  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    to vitty:

    To me, it would be worse being on the outside and not wanting to be in on the inside. I've been through at least 4 JCs, with reproof for varying lengths of time. It's probably safe to say that every congregation I've been associated with has had people at various stages of reproof and reinstatement. I have experienced love especially when my attitude improved to the counsel being applied to me. Even now, in this most serious stage, I see the interest and marvel. I am still the most regular one there, 15 months on. People avoid me less than I did when I tried to interrupt to get some attention. I quietly wait when I need some literature or need to update the appropriate MS/elder on something pertaining to the Congregation. I leave right away once I'm done. If I keep doing the same when I'm "reinstated", I'm sure the friends I need will be easy enough to find. I am making some acquaintances here on JWD and where I play pocket billiards, so I'm not concerned. The Congregation I currently am assigned to has had a number of disfellowshipped ones be successfully reinstated in the 7 years I've attended, so I'm sure it will be no different with me.

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