Ah Hah, Simon, Waiting, TR, Red Horse Woman and All:
You people are really,funny, I mean after you get past the venom and all... you really are.
You know, we might become "friends" before this thing is all over with...well... that might be pushing it... but...
Why no response to my last post? Did I hit a nerve?
Why yes... I've been think of returning to the "home," you know the place with all of the nice people with all of "white uniforms," and all... where they treat you real nice... the medication and all.
No more depression, just "happy land," you know.
In fact, I feel sooo good, I've decided to identify my initials... you people here have really "helped" me, you know, select its new meaning...just for this board...especially, just for you guys. I hope you feel special, because you are.
MDS = Mad (Insane), Delirious, & Sick (Mentally)
You guys may call me "Mad" for short, if you like.
And "Waiting", since she likes the royal title thing and all, she may address me as, yes, "O Crazy One." Its kind of got a nice ring to it, you know.
PS: Tell Frenchy & Martini, this is from the reflections thread, that if a Covenant is in existence at the time a prospective disciple of Jesus wants to make a dedication, then, he simply ENTERS the Covenant, and he DOES NOT NEED a Mediator... this is because the Covenant is already in existence, and has been for close to 2,000 years since Jesus spilled his blood. Thus, the nation of Jehovah's Witnesses needed no mediator to enter into it.
Hence, Jehovah's Witnesses, when adopting the name they now carry, in 1931, and underwent rededication, and too selected for themselves, the Name of God, as their Name, now becoming a "people for God's Name," namely "Jehovah's Witnesses." (Acts 15:14-17) They were thus, accepted and taken into the New Covenant by Jesus Christ, in the fateful year of 1931...and as such became members of the New Covenant in 1931...no mediator necessary to GET INTO THE COVENANT...they simply became "Israel," by becoming a "people for His [God's] Name." -- Acts 15:14-17
History tells us, they were the FIRST RELIGION TO DO THIS, and thus started the "Divine Name Movement," since that time. There is no INTERNATIONAL organization on the face of the earth today, that carries the Name of God upon themselves, even as we speak...that's internationally-speaking.
Jehovah's Witnesses, are UNIQUE ... from an international perspective. They were the FIRST in the Divine Name Movement... they started the whole thing... and they are, and still, the ONLY international group carrying the Divine Name upon themselves, and finally, they are clearly the LARGEST group carrying the Divine Name earthwide, bar none...
(a) the First to accept the Divine Name upon themselves,
(b) the Only international group carrying the Name upon themselves, and
(c) the largest group on earth, carrying the Divine Name upon themselves. Jehovah's Witnesses...history confirms.
They are unique, clearly.
Now, I must take my "medication," ... back to the "funny farm," for me.
Bye all.
Edited by - MDS on 19 November 2000 19:10:13