With all of the changes regarding the 1935 closing of the heavenly calling that JW's taught for over 70 years what will be the next thing to go in their doctrinal system. Will they one day say"We were wrong the earth is going to burn up and all Christians will go to heaven". Or will they say "Yes C.T. Russell was right after all and yes the "Great Crowd" will indeed go to heaven.Nothing suprises me anymore with the JW's. They just make a major change and act as if it is like changing your socks. They are so non-chalant about it.
Do you think that "JW's" will get rid of the "Paradise earth" doctrine?
by booker-t 35 Replies latest jw friends
No. Paradise Earth is a central doctrine, the primary carrot the organization has been using for a good part of the last century.
I agree with u_b. Paradise Earth is what help give this particular 'religion' it's own unique flavor.
I guess we should have just stayed with the Trinity,Immortal Soul and All to Heaven we go mythology! I"gnorance is Bliss", and all that!
No I don't believe they'll drop paradise. This is one of their most logical arguments- that God created the Garden of Eden, and intend men to work and make it worldwide, only Satan,& Adam have made a temporary setback on it, but it will happen. I have some cutover woodland for sale if any of you want to get a headstart lol
"Jehovah`s Witness`s" will never get rid of the Paradise/Earth Doctrine!..Never!!..The WBT$ may though..Then the Jehovah`s Witness`s will do as thier told,by the WBT$..There will be 6 million Jehovah`s Witness`s with amnesia..The Paradise/Earth Doctrine will never have exsisted...WBT$ will repeat itself..As usuall...OUTLAW
they couldn't. it's already hard enough with that 1920's book called "millions now living will never die". it would be hard to explain "you can live forever in paradise on earth" if they get rid of that doctrine.
well, maybe it wouldnt be any different than any other time they made a tweak or two.
As mentioned, JW doctrine is all too nicely wrapped up in Paradise Earth. There's no point in dropping
it for them. If Adam had not sinned......, The meek will inherit the earth., Isaiah's prophecy has a secondary
major fulfillment., Truly, I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise.I think I enjoy the speculations about the 1935 door swinging open, but after the Memorial and DC, we will
see that it was no big deal- business as usual. They are slipping this stuff in for reasons, but the average
JW won't notice, and it won't be a big bomb, just a series of tiny firecrackers (ladyfingers) to change the doctrines. -
No way, that's what makes them different than all the others and really
an easy doctrine to prove from the creation of Adam and Eve living on a paradise earth
to Revelation 21 with those that do not know the bible and of course our desire of not wanting to die.
That's what made many of us join them.
Of course if living on earth was a key doctrine in the 1st century, it's interesting that Jesus only
mentioned it once in Mat. 5:5 and the rest of the apostles never talked about living on earth.
A few scriptures in Psalm37 and prov.2 are all taken out of context.
Once they bring out that crazy light of theirs, anything is liable to happen.