I could not in any conceivable manner call the change in understanding of 'this generation' or 'the 1914 generation' or 'the 1935
sealing of the annointed' just 'tweaking' of doctrine . These were major flip-flops
Jeff and Blondie,
You are both right. They cannot just tweak the 1914 generation anymore. First they said adults in 1914 would not
pass away, then they tweaked to say people who understood what was going on would not pass away, bringing it
down to adolescents, finally they tweaked it to babies born by 1914 would not pass away.
Once they exhausted the tweaking possibilities, they had to abandon this teaching someway.
The average "hope to live on Paradise-earth" Joe Publisher will not see the importance of the 1935 swinging door.
He will see it as a tweaking. They are in the process of abandoning that belief, but trying to keep the publishers from
noticing. For the most part, they will succeed.
They have tweaked and tweaked the Paradise. Stating that we are in a spiritual paradise so that we forget how the
physical one hasn't arrived yet. Telling us the anointed might stick around and might not. Saying that our dead loved
ones can come to paradise even if they weren't JW, because armageddon didn't arrive yet, meaning they weren't judged
yet. That keeps our hopes up. We can only see them if we make it to paradise.
They are tweaking paradise out of the constant barrage of literature. It's there, but not in our faces. They want
everyone to focus on Loyalty to the Faithful Slave and their Governing Body. Paradise doctrine is for newcomers. The
rest of you need indoctrination lessons on obedience. Don't doubt, don't communicate with apostate relatives, just
do as we say.