Do you think that "JW's" will get rid of the "Paradise earth" doctrine?

by booker-t 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • needproof

    No way they are mad not stupid

  • garybuss

    The Society could get rid of the soul sleep doctrine pretty easy me thinks. They could just say at death the spirit of the person goes to heaven and stays there until the resurrection and then they will return to earth and join up with a perfect replica recreated body and pet lions and pick fruit.

  • jeanV
    I"gnorance is Bliss", and all that

    I agree, I was much happier when I was ignorant, believing Jerusalem was destroyed in 607, lions will eat straw, the flood was global, etc... Muslims are just as happy waiting for the virgins in paradise. Ignorance is truly bliss.

  • jeanV

    it is a key doctrine, so no way it will ever be abandoned.

    btw years ago I was calling on a catholic man who also believed in paradise earth. He said that catholic church teaches immortal soul after we die and eventually resurrection on paradise earth.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    They can't! It is the 'hook' that sells the product.

    Every magazine and every book they publish contains a picture of 'paradise' - it is usually among the very first paragraphs used to 'hook' it's victims. It keeps the earth - something they can touch and smell every day - part and parcel with 'true worship'. It is the medium that they have selected to paint thier doctrinal canvas.

  • NewYork44M

    May be a hundred years from now when we are all dead. But there will be no change. Why should there be? It is the one thing that sets them apart at the "one true religion." And provides a nice contrast to all those other mainstream religions directed by satan.

  • nvrgnbk

    The January 1, 2036 Watchtower will contain a study article explaining the appropriate way to view the thousands who have abandoned Jehovah's organization in the previous year: Paragraph 20. It is unwise to associate with all those who have stumbled due to "new light" regarding the paradise earth. Such ones have shown that their motives for serving our God were selfish. They fail to appreciate that though some amongst Jehovah's people at one time entertained the hope of living forever in a paradise earth, a more spiritual perspective reveals that the Paradise is amongst us in the form of the bounteous spiritual provisions of the slave class. Due to their fleshly view of things, many such ones have become bitter because their expectations were not realized as they would have liked. Some made great sacrifices to promote their hope of enjoying physical healing and blessings in the paradise. Yet others were negligent with regards to planning for their financial security later in life, and caused themselves and others burdens due to their lack of foresight. They now resent the situation they find themselves in. Such ones do well to ask themselves,"Did I not do so willingly? Was I forced to do as I did?" Of course not! Their own strict manner of interpreting the well-intentioned counsel of the slave class, now numbering into the tens of thousands, is where the real fault lies. All who continue to appreciate the channel that Jehovah has used to feed his servants here on earth for the last 156 years have accepted the new understanding with great rejoicing. One excellent way they show their loyal support for true worship is by sending the appropriate tithe to the slave class. New and exciting ways to support the Kingdom with our valuable things will be considered in the next article.


    "1914 the Generation that will not pass away"..The WBTS would never give up that doctrine!..Ooops!..It`s gone!..No one cares..Next..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • blondie

    There are some things I don't see the WTS doing. The original teachings of CTR, no hellfire, no trinity, no destruction of the earth, some people living on a paradise on earth, are some of those I don't seen changing. Most of what has changed in the last 20 years have really only been "adjustments" and "tweakings" of their teachings. It there was a major break off of members to form another group...perhaps. That is what happened with Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God. It splintered into various groups with some making major doctrinal changes while others staying with the original foundation teachings.


  • diamondblue1974
    Every magazine and every book they publish contains a picture of 'paradise' - it is usually among the very first paragraphs used to 'hook' it's victims. It keeps the earth - something they can touch and smell every day - part and parcel with 'true worship'. It is the medium that they have selected to paint thier doctrinal canvas.

    Indeed, its already been said that its the main carrot they use to get members biting; its quite a powerful tool to be honest - like above its easier to believe in something intangible when you have something you can visualise or touch. They would be committing commercial suicide if they dropped this doctrine.


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