Who was the injured party? When? In the Garden of Eden when both Adam and his wife, Eve rebelled against instructions from their landlord, Jehovah.
"In the Day you eat of it (the fruit) you shall surely die."
Adam and Eve ate of it. Who was the injured party?
Under the law of our land a court addresses injury to person or property by seeking to RESTORE to wholeness. In a car accident the damaged car, if repairable, will be repaired and the person who caused the damage must pay. Most often it is the agent (insurance company) who does the actual paying and the driver who caused the harm is penalized by higher rates and a bad driving record.
In a theft, the court orders the return of the stolen item or restitution by paying a fine or orders the punishment of the thief (which is counted as "paying a debt to society".)
The victim is damaged and the court views Justice as restoring to wholeness.
What about the Garden of Eden?
Was Jehovah injured? He suffered no physical harm; He is a spirit. His fruit was eaten, but; He has "wealth" of an infinite magnitude. Stealing Donald Trump's dental floss wouldn't even come close to injury.
Adam lived 930 years and died. That is a long life by today's standards. Adam suffered the injury of aging and physical extinction. Eve too aged and died.
That (aging and dying) is a penalty.
But--the children and grandchildren of Adam and Eve lived shorter lives and suffered an unlimited injury.
None of these children EXISTED in the Garden of Eden; they cannot have participated in the ACT of rebellion against Jehovah. If these not-yet-existing children are damaged by the penalty against their parents it can only be because the RETALIATION against Adam and Eve was excessive to the harm against Jehovah.
If Jehovah put to death ON THE SPOT both Eve and Adam no children would die because they had NEVER LIVED!
You cannot destroy what does not exist! By the same token, you cannot (with Justice) penalize what does not yet exist or (logically) plan to redeem what does not exist.
Who is the injured party if not the children of Adam and Eve?
What possible insult to Jehovah can have taken place in the absence of unborn children (by the billions) which calls for (in justice) the aging and dying of these not existing victims of the rebellion?
This is where THEOLOGY seeks to step in and explain (apology) how this is not only justice but LOVE on the part of Jehovah.
What is wrong with the Doctrine of the Fall of Man (as a group) is making it a GROUP in the first place.
Further, an impossible mechanism is invented for this purpose: THE TRANSMISSION OF SIN by being born!!
SIN is a personal failure. An archer aims for the target and misses. The failure is the "sin" of missing the mark that was aimed at.
An unborn child cannot be born a bad archer!
You can thank the church fathers for this ludicrous explanation.
JUSTICE restores to wholenss.
Somebody explain how Jehovah was INJURED by unborn children and you will succeed in explaining why he holds them responsible for acts committed when they were not present and took no part in any conspiracy to commit.
What is wrong with this doctrine is that it makes God out to be a fiend, a sadist and a brute.
It is like the sociopath who injures children for the purpose of rescuing them and appearing a hero! (Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome.)