So, I go to my JW uncle's funeral for obvious reasons! After the funeral my family invites me to dinner, something we haven't done for some time (probably 8 years or so) as I'm considered disassociated not disfellowshipped. I guess this is allowed per the new JW policy but since that crap changes from time to time I'm not sure. After dinner, my sister tells me how sad she is that we really aren't a family any longer and expresses a desire to mend fences. We both had a few burbons under our belt and I thought I sensed doubt in her heart. So, I wrote her a 8 page letter outlining why I dropped out including Beth Sarim and other facts that would make any sane person at least think about what a hoax these morons are. She must have given the letter to the elders as now neither she, my parents nor anyone else in the faimly will talk to me any longer! So I wrote her another letter telling her to never contact me in anyway again. I'm so sick of their crap! I told her that she may think of me as "spiritually dead" but to me the family is brain dead and unable to think squat or crap without the society's permission. Honestly, I feel free!
OK now, I'm really an apostate
by dawg 31 Replies latest jw experiences
I like what you said...We may be concidered spiritually dead by them, but they are brain dead to us!! LOL!! Struck me as pretty funny!
It is so easy to get labled apostate. It is their way of saying we don't swallow their crap.
Sorry about your family, I am glad you are handleing it well though. How long have you been "out"?
After the funeral my family invites me to dinner, something we haven't done for some time (probably 8 years or so) as I'm
considered disassociated not disfellowshipped. I guess this is allowed per the new JW policy but since that crap changes
from time to time I'm not sure.The JW elders almost certainly reminded JW family that they should not have had dinner with you.
The very strictest of their application of the rules allows them to associate with you concerning
family matters, like a funeral, but tells them not even to eat with you.They were probably told to totally avoid you, or face judicial actions because of what they did.
CRAP is right. Good for you.
Thanks guys, 17 years I've been mentally abused by these idiots; There was one period they wouldn't talk to me for 3 years.... I'm serious when I say this, they'll never see my face again not unless it's by accident.
Greetings dawg,
You did precisely the right thing. Who the hell are they to judge you.
It must feel great to let go of them :)
Congrats on the freedom.
Feels good to tell them to F**& Off doesn't it!!!
I know how you feel, good job
The JW elders almost certainly reminded JW family that they should not have had dinner with you.
The very strictest of their application of the rules allows them to associate with you concerning
family matters, like a funeral, but tells them not even to eat with you.I think it has to do with where you live........After my grandpa's funeral, I was also invited to the dinner.......where ALL the Jws were, not just family. I didnt go for fear some stupid elder would walk up to may and say I shouldnt be there......or worse yet, end up at a table by myself!!!
new boy
Good for you........but I would still leave the door open just in case they see the error of there ways.
Love is the answer.........Give them what they can't give you, unconditional love.